Gain Financial Freedom and Happiness on The Pathways To Greatness with Greg S. Reid

Napoleon Hill Law - Gain Financial Freedom and Happiness on The Pathways To Greatness with Greg S. Reid

The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Before the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Gain Financial Freedom and Happiness on The Pathways To Greatness with Greg S. Reid.

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Napoleon Hill Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the true about Napoleon Hill Law. You check out this article for info on anyone need to know is Napoleon Hill Law.

How is Gain Financial Freedom and Happiness on The Pathways To Greatness with Greg S. Reid

Gain Financial Freedom and Happiness on The Pathways To Greatness with Greg S. Reid Video Clips. Duration : 1.07 Mins.

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communal Bargaining

Napoleon Hill Law Of Success - communal Bargaining

Hello everybody. Yesterday, I learned about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success - communal Bargaining. Which is very helpful in my experience and also you. communal Bargaining

Many things have changed over the last 20 to 30 years in American culture. Some of the changes comprise the advancement of technology and the manufactures shift from production to service. As history has shown, unequal pay and treatment of employees has transformed employment an unbiased chance for the American dream to a dog-eat-dog world.

What I said. It just isn't the conclusion that the actual about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success. You check this out article for facts about that wish to know is Napoleon Hill Law Of Success.

Napoleon Hill Law Of Success

Many clubs believe their employees should be happy with a paycheck at the end of the week, while employees want more than just a paycheck. Thus many new laws and the formation of a Union came forth.

During the 1930s, labor union membership in the United States increased rapidly, aided by the Wagner Act of 1935, which had protected the right of workers to organize and strike. Conservatives cited a coal miners' strike during World War Ii and a wave of strikes across many industries after the war as evidence that labor unions had come to be too superior and unrestrained.

In 1946 Republicans won control of both the House and Senate for the first time since 1930. Senator Robert A. Taft, Sr. (Republican-Ohio), chair of the Senate Labor and social Welfare Committee, and Representative Fred Hartley, Jr. (Republican-New Jersey), chair of the House study and Labor Committee, sponsored the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947 to regulate union activities. Their legislation became known as the Taft-Hartley Act. (Hartman)

Passed over President Harry Trum's veto, the Taft-Hartley Act allowed states to enact "right to work" laws to outlaw fulfilled, shops, clubs where only union members could be employed. Taft-Hartley also prohibited jurisdictional strikes, in which different unions struck a firm to determine which one would record its workers, and barred communists from serving as union officers. Taft-Hartley gave Presidents the right to seek a federal court injunction to call off strikes for an 80-day "cooling off" period. This would allow work to continue while management and labor negotiated a contract. Although extremely controversial, and strongly opposed by labor unions, the Republican-sponsored Taft-Hartley Act has remained largely unchanged by later Democratic majorities in Congress. (Byars & Rue, 2004, p. 381).

Taft-Hartley Act

Federal law (in full, Labor management Relations Act) enacted in 1947, which restored to management in unionized industries some of the bargaining power it had lost in pro-union legislation prior to World War Ii. Taft-Hartley prohibited a union from:

o refusing to trade in good faith

o coercing employees to join a union

o imposing inordinate or discriminatory dues and initiation fees

o forcing employers to hire union workers to perform unneeded or non-existent tasks (a institution known as featherbedding)

o striking to affect a bargaining unit's option in the middle of two contesting unions (called a jurisdictional strike)

o spicy in secondary boycotts against businesses selling or handling nonunion goods

o spicy in sympathy strikes in keep of other unions
Taft-Hartley also

o imposed disclosure requirements to regulate union firm dealings and search fraud and racketeering

o prohibited unions from directly manufacture contributions to candidates running for federal offices

o authorized the President of the United States to postpone strikes in industries deemed critical to national economic health or national security by declaring an 80-day "cooling-off period"

o permitted states to enact right-to-work laws, which outlaw compulsory unionization.

The National Labor Relations Board is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1935 to administer the National Labor Relations Act, the traditional law governing relations in the middle of unions and employers in the inexpressive sector. The statute guarantees the right of employees to organize and to trade collectively with their employers, and to engage in other protected concerted action with or without a union, or to refrain from all such activity. (Byars & Rue, 2004 p. 365).

National Labor Relations Board (Nlrb), independent agency of the U.S. Government created under the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (Wagner Act), and amended by the acts of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Labor Act) and 1959 (Landrum-Griffin Act), which affirmed labor's right to organize and trade collectively straight through representatives of their own option or to refrain from such activities. The board consist of five members (appointed by the U.S. President with the approval of the Senate for five-year terms) is assisted by 33 regional directors.

This board determines allowable bargaining units, conducts elections for union representation, and investigates charges of unfair labor practices by employers. Unfair practices comprise interference, coercion, or restraint in labor's self-organizational rights; interference with the formation of labor unions; encouraging or discouraging membership in a union; and refusal to trade collectively with a duly chosen worker representative. The Nlrb does not have the power to think cases spicy real estate brokers, agricultural employees, domestic workers, family workers, government employees, and church-run schools. (

State laws that make it illegal for labor unions and employers to enter into contracts that provide for a firm to hire only union members in the jobs covered by the contract. One typical version of a right-to-work law reads, "No person may be denied employment, and employers may not be denied the right to hire any person, because of that person's membership or non-membership in any labor organization." (Hedding) Labor union leaders typically seek the repeal of right-to-work laws because much lower percentages of workers select to join unions and pay dues in states where such laws are in effect.

Defenders of right-to-work laws tend to argue that workers who refuse to join unions generally do so because they just do not value the social bargaining services that unions perform and/or because they disagree with the political causes that unions keep with their dues money. Opponents of right-to-work laws tend to see refusal to join a union generally as attempting to be a free rider that enjoys the very real benefits of union representation without having to pay his fair share of the cost. About 20 Us states have some version of such a law presently in effect.

I current live in Arizona, which is a Right to Work state. Often there is blurring as to what that means. Many people believe it means that you can be fired from your job without explanation, and they are, therefore, reluctant to live and work in a Right to Work state. That is not the basis of the Right to Work concept. A Right to Work law guarantees that no person can be compelled, as a health of employment, to join or not to join, or to pay dues to a labor union. In other words, if you work in a Right to Work state, like Arizona, and the employees form a union, you may not be fired if you determine not to join. Likewise, if you are a member of a union in a Right to Work state, and you determine to resign from the union, you may not be fired for that reason. (Hedding)

Here is how Arizona's Constitution, narrative Xxv, reads:
"Right to work or employment without membership in labor organization
No person shall be denied the chance to collect or keep employment because of non-membership in a labor organization, nor shall the State or any subdivision thereof, or any corporation, private or association of any kind enter into any agreement, written or oral, which excludes any person from employment or continuation of employment because of non-membership in a labor organization. (Addition popular ,favorite election Nov. 5, 1946, eff. Nov. 25, 1946; amended November 30, 1982.)"

Facts About Right to Work

1. If you work primarily in a Right to Work state you have the right to decline joining a union and you cannot be required to pay dues or an agency fee to the union unless you select to join the union. This includes State or Local Government employees, social School Teachers and College Professors.

2. If your employment takes place on Federal property, there may be an irregularity to estimate (1) above. Check with your specific state.

3. All employees of the Federal Government, along with Postal assistance employees, by law are guaranteed the right to decline union membership. You cannot be required to pay dues or fees to a union, no matter where you work.

4. Railway and airline employees are not protected by state Right to Work laws.

Proponents of Right to Work laws point to what they say is empirical evidence that Right to Work states (mostly southern and western states) enjoy faster economic and employment increase than non-Right to Work states. (Hedding)

Opponents of Right to Work laws argue that mandatory union membership is critical to offset the power of big firm in a market economy, which is responsible for the decline in real earnings for workers and greater earnings inequities. They also argue that Right to Work laws give some employees a free ride, by enjoying the benefits of unionization where they work without paying the costs related with maintaining their employment possession and benefits.

Since the 1940s, twenty-two states (and Guam) have enacted Right to Work laws. They are: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming.

Whether or not you agree with Right to Work laws, and either or not you want to live in a Right to Work state, it is prominent to recognize that the Right to Work laws are not to be confused with the opinion of Employment At Will. Agreeing to J. Steven Niznik in his narrative entitled, Employment at Will, "The Employment at Will philosophy means that employment is voluntary for both employees and employers. As an at-will employee, you may quit your job whenever and for whatever infer you want, ordinarily without consequence. In turn, at-will employers may cease you whenever and for whatever infer they want, ordinarily without consequence."

Collective bargaining consists of negotiations in the middle of an employer and a group of employees so as to determine the conditions of employment. The consequent of social bargaining procedures is a social agreement. Employees are often represented in bargaining by a union or other labor organization. social bargaining is governed by federal and state statutory laws, executive agency regulations, and judicial decisions. In areas where federal and state law overlap, state laws are preempted.

The Nlra establishes procedures for the option of a labor organization to record a unit of employees in social bargaining. The act prohibits employers from interfering with this selection. The Nlra requires the employer to trade with the appointed representative of its employees. It does not want either side to agree to a proposal or make concessions but does organize procedural guidelines on good faith bargaining. Proposals, which would violate the Nlra or other laws, may not be branch to social bargaining. The Nlra also establishes regulations on what tactics (e.g. Strikes, lock-outs, picketing) each side may hire to additional their bargaining objectives.

State laws additional regulate social bargaining and make social agreements enforceable under state law. They may also provide guidelines for those employers and employees not covered by the Nlra, such as agricultural laborers. (Cornell)

The role that Human resource plays in social bargaining initiatives is defined by the Nlra. The Human resource representative must trade with the appointed representative of its employees. The Human resource representative acts as the voice of the firm with the authority to trade or negotiate with their employees straight through an appointed representative to keep the firm going by avoiding a strike.

Most industries are flourishing due to social bargaining while others are not. Identifying those single industries are easy to recognize due to their success in the labor market.

One manufactures known for heavy social bargaining is the Auto Industry. The auto manufactures historically has played a prominent role in American social bargaining, introducing many now coarse features -- multi-year contracts with cost-of-living adjustment escalators and built-in each year real wage increases, additional unemployment benefits, "30 and out" pensions, quality of working life programs, and pattern bargaining. From the early 1980s on, automotive labor relations was again in the forefront in taking actions to modify this long-established model, under pressure from both foreign and domestic competitors and from new production methods often related to team working and related innovative human resource practices.

Another manufactures is the Food and Service. Plagued by problems of low wages, high cost of health care and bad working conditions, the United Food and industrial Workers are using social bargaining to turn these conditions. Good wages, lower cost health care with the employer paying more of the estimate and other bargaining might be a renewed interest in Unionization surrounded by other industries.

A third manufactures is the United Steelworkers industry. The manufactures has been short changed with unfair trade, seclusion and benefits, healthcare, and job security. The Steelworkers manufactures has a great social bargaining setup to negotiate and bargaining with their employers and the Federal Government. Recently the Usw signed an trade that would provide higher pay increases over the next three years, plus more money put aside for seclusion and lower health cost for the employees and family. The Usw is extremely complex with social bargaining for their employees.

I currently work in a Call center providing financial information. Unionization in a Call center would be hard to accomplish. Each call center has a different goal in mind based on the company's industry. retention contentious surrounded by other call centers in the same manufactures has proven to keep a Union out while providing the worker with what they desire.

In conclusion, social bargaining is a flourishing way for workers to reach their goals concerning accept able wages, hours, and working conditions. It al lows workers to trade as a team to satisfy their needs. social bargaining also allows management to negotiate efficiently with workers by bargaining with them as a group instead of with each one individually. Though traditional bargaining can be negative and adversarial, it does produce social bargaining agreements in the middle of labor and management. Partnership bargaining can lead to increased comprehension and trust in the middle of labor and management. It is a positive, cooperative coming to social bargaining that also culminates in contracts in the middle of labor and management.


A Glossary of Political Ecomony Terms: Right to Work Laws. Retrieved on May 21, 2007 from the Internet. Http://

Byars, Lloyd L. & Rue, Leslie W. (2004). Human resource management (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Cascio, Wayne. (2002). Managing Human Resources (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Collective Bargaining and Labor Arbitration Overview. Retrieved on May 20, 2007 from the Internet. Http://
Judy Hedding, Right to Work: Arizona is a Right to Work State. Retrieved on May 21, 2007 from the Internet. Http://

National Labor Relations Board. Data retrieved on May 21, 2007 from the Internet. Http://
Robert J. Donovan, friction and Crisis: The Presidency of Harry S. Truman, 1945-1948 (New York: Norton, 1977).
Susan M. Hartmann, Truman and the 80th Congress (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1971)

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Breakthrough with Tony Robbins - Episode 3 - Create a New Story, Create a New Life

Napoleon Hill Law - Breakthrough with Tony Robbins - Episode 3 - Create a New Story, Create a New Life

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How is Breakthrough with Tony Robbins - Episode 3 - Create a New Story, Create a New Life

Breakthrough with Tony Robbins - Episode 3 - Create a New Story, Create a New Life Video Clips. Duration : 43.33 Mins.

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David on

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The Ten Golden Rules - antique Wisdom From the Greek Philosophers on Living the Good Life

Napoleon Hill Books - The Ten Golden Rules - antique Wisdom From the Greek Philosophers on Living the Good Life

Good afternoon. Now, I learned all about Napoleon Hill Books - The Ten Golden Rules - antique Wisdom From the Greek Philosophers on Living the Good Life. Which could be very helpful in my experience therefore you. The Ten Golden Rules - antique Wisdom From the Greek Philosophers on Living the Good Life

"The Ten Golden Rules: old Wisdom from the Greek Philosophers on Living the Good Life" by M.A. Soupios, PhD and Panos Mourdoukoutas, PhD is a simple but meaningful miniature book. The wisdom of the old Greek sages is just as relevant and profound today as when first written so many years ago.

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Napoleon Hill Books

The simplicity of this book may make some population think, "Duh, I know that." However, it is unavoidable to anything who examines the current human condition that many population could be living much better lives if they would naturally ensue these simple, yet profound, ten golden rules. Soupios and Mourdoukoutas have written a miniature gem that shares wisdom that spans the ages and if we each took the time to reflect and meditate on these rules as the authors advise we could find ourselves living the good life as presented in this simple miniature book.

The ten golden rules the authors share are: eye Life, Worry Only about the Things You Can Control, Treasure Friendship, feel True Pleasure, master Yourself, Avoid Excess, Be a Responsible Human Being, Don't Be a victorious Fool, Don't Do Evil to Other People, and Kindness toward Others Tends to Be Rewarded. I told you they were simple. Yet that does not make them any less profound or meaningful.

The authors gift each rule by sharing an old quote, such as "The Unexamined life is not worth living" by Plato to open the first chapter. Then the episode contains a short story or explanation to help you understand and visualize the rule in action. Then the actual rule, which is a bit longer than the episode title that contains the rule, and then the authors' annotation on the rule. Finally, each episode ends with what the authors call the meditation grid, which consists of the points the authors want you to reflect and mediate on to join these rules into your own life.

The authors believe that spiritual living is not an exclusive maintain of religious teaching. An examined life afforded by fancy is also a path toward spiritual contentment. These ten rules of spiritual living by fancy are not new. They are found within all the great teachings, together with the wisdom of the old Greek philosophers the authors drew from. Regardless where they come from, these wise truths can be qualified when applied to one's life. I believe this is an leading book for reminding us what is for real important. It is a book that will serve many population well as a text to eye once in a while to ensure they are living a life rich from human development. I highly advise you not only read this simple miniature book, but join the ten golden rules into your life.

I hope you get new knowledge about Napoleon Hill Books. Where you can offer easy use in your day-to-day life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Napoleon Hill Books.

Hearing Voices. Looking Things

Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf - Hearing Voices. Looking Things

Hi friends. Today, I found out about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf - Hearing Voices. Looking Things. Which is very helpful in my experience so you. Hearing Voices. Looking Things

Perhaps, by now, you've heard the unthinkable story about the woman in San Fransisco who was seen dropping her young sons into San Francisco Bay. Lashuan Harris, described as mentally ill by her own house members, claimed she had been hearing voices. The 23-year told investigators she had stopped taking her anti-psychotic drug once she got her schizophrenia symptoms under control over the summer, but the voices returned Tuesday night and were with her when she dropped her children into the water, according to a law-enforcement overview obtained by The connected Press.

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Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf

You may recall the prosecution of a woman named Andrea Yates, who confessed to drowning her five children in 2001. A Houston Post description read: Houston - Andrea Yates never told her husband that she heard voices and saw visions that she said led to her eventually drowning her five children last June... "She kind of described it as her dark period, that she was in a dark place," Russell Yates said, referring to his wife's two suicide attempts two years before she killed her children.

More base Than We Care To Imagine

Hearing voices and finding hallucinations are becoming quite commonplace. Some high-visibility celeb is bound to come out of the closet and make "voice-hearing" all the rage. I watched "Field of Dreams" a few weeks ago, a film in which the foremost man hears a voice from his corn field. "If you build it, he will come," the voice says. Ultimately, he winds up playing catch with his dead father, salvage the house farm in the process.

Weird. Two thumbs down.

Way down.

I'm convinced, folks, that the presume the Scriptures refer to the Holy Spirit as "holy" is to distinguish Him from all the Unholy spirits Satan has unleashed, set out to destroy people's lives. "My sheep listen to My voice; I know them and they effect Me," said Jesus Christ in John 10:27.

Respected Christian counselor, Neil Anderson, writes: during a conference, I noticed a lady who wouldn't sing with the rest of the group and seemed quite agitated. She slipped me a note after a morning session: "Please don't leave town without helping me. I have been diagnosed as having multiple personalities and a dissociative disorder.

"During our time together the Lord revealed that when she was seven years old a terrifying dark presence appeared in her room. It told her it would kill her unless she granted its ask to share her body. The presence didn't leave until the day we met
together. Later she wrote:

"I started hearing voices and having imaginary friends when I was seven years old. Bulimia began at age 10, promiscuity at age 12. I spent 10 years in a cult. When I came out of the cult, I sought deliverance at the suggestion of a Catholic priest. But I beat up the minister and left bruised myself. It frightened me so badly I never did anyone about it again.

"I am now of a sound mind; the voices are gone. I feel clean and fresh inside for the first time I can remember. I don't live in a tiny projection of my mind or covering my body. I live inside now with my Lord."

I wish that this woman's palpate of childhood seduction was an exception. But I have counseled dozens of adults who can trace their problems back to childhood. That's why it's critical that you teach your children the reality of the spiritual world and equip them to defeat Satan's attempts to seduce them.

Christian Kids: Armed & Dangerous

We must arm our kids, teaching them that resisting an evil presence in their room is as foremost as avoiding strangers on the street. Especially with guided imagery, which introduces habitancy to a "spirit guide, " taking place within America's school systems. About 7 years ago, my own daughter complained that she was being withheld from recess, without parental approval, so that she and some other "gifted" children could learn to call upon "friendly bears" to help them in dealing with their problems. Thankfully, I had taught her best than this and she said she would pray when they were told to close their eyes rather than participate (good girl). I was livid! The day after my call to the critical demanding she be withdrawn from the class, I was awakened by the school counselor's call as she attempted to convince me the classes were "just fine" and, as a Christian herself, and as a professional, she could vouch for their validity. Well, you can imagine how well That commentary was received. Needless to say, my daughter was pulled from the program. The same happened to my second son, by the way. His instructor called to request as to why I had not submitted the required paperwork. After all, she said, "all the Other parents are submitting Their gifted children."

Give me a break. Barring very few, public schools are New Age indoctrination centers. Once the "elite" students are pegged, these tiny leaders of tomorrow are fed a steady diet of well-disguised, one-world, anti-Christian, anti-nationalistic, self-loving, liberal, tree-hugging, mamby-pamby rubbish. Frankly, most who are reading this were part of this program in one way or another. But that's an additional one broadcast. Only this morning, while visiting a friend recovering from an automobile accident, did I see a Tv screen in the apartment across the hall, two boys about 7 years of age, finding on as colorful occultic symbols were floating across the screen on the video game they were playing.

I'm convinced Many habitancy hear voices on every socio-economic level, but few are willing to fess up. Psychiatrists prescribe drugs for schizophrenics. A saying among recovering alcoholics is: "Pay no concentration to the committee in your head."

The legendary Napoleon Hill, author of "Think and Grow Rich," which sold over 7 million copies, was an counselor to two presidents and a friend of the richest and most sublime men of the 20th century. He spent 20 years compiling the case histories and money-making methods contained in this book and approximately every motivational speaker out there will tell you what a great book it is. In one section of the book, Hill describes the conversations he held with his "Master Mind" group which included many sublime Deceased leaders from the pages of history, which he commonly called upon. At first, these counselors were invited. In time, they came when they were unexpected and uninvited. Ultimately, the man who said, "Whatever the human mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve," was tormented by the very spirit guides over which he concept he had control. according to his own children, Hill was hearing from his unwelcome tiny friends till he died. Millions have read this book and applied his "success" techniques. Before my salvation, I was among these readers. But that master Mind stuff is where it got too strange for me, even though a very prosperous friend of mine gave me the book telling me, "If you're ready for success, the retort will pop out at you from every page."

Sure, buddy. I've since enlightened quite a few habitancy whose bosses were encouraging the reading of this "classic."

The Battle For The Mind

People seldom open up about the mental struggle going on in their heads for fear that habitancy will think they're nuts. I've noticed that approximately every person who claims they were hearing voices heard things that were of a very demonic nature (1 Tim 4:1). If the things you hear from real people, or from voices in your head, don't line up with Scripture, the source is undeniably demonic... Even if it comes from your shrink, your parents, your pastor or priest. Even those with legitimate instances of Disassociative Identity Disorder (Did, more commonly, Mpd) should carefully weigh what's being said against the acceptable of Christ.

The following extract is from a website I found under the keywords "Hearing Voices." There were authentically a quarter of a million sites that included this phrase, from literary and film works to the name of a rock band. Psychiatric sites, gay and lesbian sites, history sites, humor sites, et al. This one was called "Hearing Voices: Rumours of Madness" by a man named Ron Coleman. Here's a measure of the site:

Ron Coleman was one of the founding members of the Hearing Voices Network, an international organisation that provides withhold to habitancy who hear voices. A voice hearer himself, he is now Director of action Consultancy and Training (a mental health consultancy group) and Publishing House (Handsell publications). The main aims of Ron's talk were to: -
1. Deconstruct the analysis of schizophrenia
2. Demonstrate the pragmatic nature of voices or 'verbal hallucinations'
3. Contribute a best way of working with habitancy who hear voices
...By accepting the reality of voices, and insight the consequences of the experience, Ron believed that professionals would be best able to help voice hearers.... Much of Ron's work has been supported by a wide range of research carried out by psychiatrists and psychologists...

Yes, psychology and psychiatry are all the time there to "help." Fallible, afflicted humans helping other afflicted humans. Misery loves company. The blind foremost the blind. Doesn't it make sense that when there's a qoute with the stock we should consult the manufacturer? Even Jesus posed the question, "Can Satan cast out Satan?" (Matt 12:24-27). No, but in our humanistic "we can do it" culture, turning to the God of the Bible isn't too high up on the priority list any more. Sure, "God" gets mentioned quite a bit, but it's not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It's authentically not Jesus, who said He was, and proved He was, God incarnate.

The following disturbing excerpts are from an description called "Learning to Live with the Voices" by T. Newhouse, from a website called "Mental health World."

...The voices were loud. They would say hellish things, cruel and violent things about my friends, family, employers. My psychiatrist tried varied medications to no avail. For two years I worked full time... Despite the loud voices in my head. But I was arrival home at night crying and drinking too much to combat the fear and disgust generated by what these voices were saying to me. The next therapist wanted me to see the voices as a "psychic" purification. "Try not to judge what's arrival out of you. Think of it as the mind's version of the stomach flu." Because I'm very sensitive, it was hard for me not to judge what the voices were saying. And I continued to be torn by the voices that opposed my own beliefs, my feelings, my spirit.... The voices were very frightening, saying cruel and violent things... Despite [a psychologist's] help, and use of these techniques, I was still terrified by the voices three years after they began. They became progressively worse, until in any place I looked, a negative hallucination would be triggered. I entered a psychiatric hospital until, thanks to my friends and family, I was able to move home... After a few months of rest, the voices calmed down, but they still interfered. I got on Ssi, pursued varied classes, and did a tiny massage...When the voices are the only reality, it's hell on earth. I work on developing beautiful realities by playing and listening to beautiful music, writing poetry, reading books, and meditating. And I remember: "Let the voices have their own reality, but live in your reality." Meditation* is so foremost because it relaxes me and I can authentically palpate a divine reality... Lately I've been distressed by a new set of voices speaking against habitancy I love...

Sigh. This poor girl went from couch to couch finding for help... Drug to drug, New Age techniques included, and she's Still oppressed by these voices. whether it's an eating disorder, low self-esteem, rape, incest, etc., the good news is that there Is deliverance straight through Jesus Christ. "For This purpose was the Son of God manifest: to destroy the works of the evil one, " (1 Jn 3:8).

Are you hearing voices? I'm convinced that, with a willing heart, a sincere desire to be set free and a measurement to do the work necessary, as one relinquishes control of their lives over to One who is bigger than any problem, you can be set free. For the Scripture tells us "those whom the Son sets free are free indeed," (Jn 8:36).

Either that's true or it's a lie. My palpate is that it absolute truth.

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Think and Grow Rich? How do we do this?

Napoleon Hill Law - Think and Grow Rich? How do we do this?

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How is Think and Grow Rich? How do we do this?

Think and Grow Rich? How do we do this? Tube. Duration : 5.08 Mins.

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Napoleon Hill Law - Jack Canfield's 90-Day Goal Challenge!

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How is Jack Canfield's 90-Day Goal Challenge! Jack Canfield's 90-Day Goal Challenge! Tube. Duration : 3.60 Mins.

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Law of Attraction and the Law of Success: Break Free from MONEY Self Sabotage

Napoleon Hill Law - Law of Attraction and the Law of Success: Break Free from MONEY Self Sabotage

The content is nice quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination Law of Attraction and the Law of Success: Break Free from MONEY Self Sabotage.

Do you know about - Law of Attraction and the Law of Success: Break Free from MONEY Self Sabotage

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How is Law of Attraction and the Law of Success: Break Free from MONEY Self Sabotage

Law of Attraction and the Law of Success: Break Free from MONEY Self Sabotage Tube. Duration : 10.48 Mins.

I hope you will get new knowledge about . Where you can offer use in your everyday life. And above all. View Related articles associated with Napoleon Hill Law. I Roll below. I even have counseled my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Law of Attraction and the Law of Success: Break Free from MONEY Self Sabotage.
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Success: The Secret of Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Law - Success: The Secret of Napoleon Hill

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Do you know about - Success: The Secret of Napoleon Hill

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How is Success: The Secret of Napoleon Hill

Success: The Secret of Napoleon Hill Video Clips. Duration : 5.70 Mins.

I hope you receive new knowledge about . Where you'll be able to put to easy use in your life. And most of all. View Related articles associated with Napoleon Hill Law. I Roll below. I even have counseled my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Success: The Secret of Napoleon Hill.
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The Brain - PG Walk: Inside Think And Grow Rich No. 12

Napoleon Hill Law - The Brain - PG Walk: Inside Think And Grow Rich No. 12

The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination The Brain - PG Walk: Inside Think And Grow Rich No. 12.

Do you know about - The Brain - PG Walk: Inside Think And Grow Rich No. 12

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How is The Brain - PG Walk: Inside Think And Grow Rich No. 12

The Brain - PG Walk: Inside Think And Grow Rich No. 12 Video Clips. Duration : 7.37 Mins.

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Top 10 Inspirational Quotes For Attracting Prosperity and the Power of Your belief

Napoleon Hill Quotes - Top 10 Inspirational Quotes For Attracting Prosperity and the Power of Your belief

Hello everybody. Yesterday, I learned about Napoleon Hill Quotes - Top 10 Inspirational Quotes For Attracting Prosperity and the Power of Your belief. Which may be very helpful in my opinion and also you. Top 10 Inspirational Quotes For Attracting Prosperity and the Power of Your belief

"If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't, you most really won't. Confidence is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad." (Denis Waitley)

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Napoleon Hill Quotes

Beliefs are such noteworthy wee creatures . Without us even necessarily being conscious of them, they tend to govern what we do, what we aim for, and how we feel about ourselves and our possibilities.

If you are a pupil of personal increase and development, you no doubt have had ample opportunity to learn first hand how tremendously empowering -- or limiting -- beliefs can be and the impact they have in allowing you to attract the fullness and prosperity you desire in your life.

It's been said that what ever you believe, you are right. So in that case, doesn't it stand to hypothesize that you ought to take gargantuan care in selecting what your beliefs are? If your beliefs are in fact that noteworthy -- that they will really dictate your reality -- then it is worth the time to reconcile the reality you desire with the beliefs you hold and then look after the improvement of your Confidence in the reality you want.

Ask yourself questions. Here are some examples:

Do you believe wanting to be wealthy makes you a bad person? Do you believe you deserve to be rich and wealthy? Do you believe you are worthy of being loved? Do you believe you have the right to be happy? Do you believe the world is "dog eat dog"? Do you believe your dreams are possible?

In which areas of your life do you see evidence of the power of your beliefs? Are they empowering your or are they limiting you? After spending some time in self reflection, identify the areas of Confidence that are causing you to aim too low or to sabotage yourself and your results in life. Then set out to fix them and adopt new beliefs that retain and empower you.

To help motivate you and keep you focused, here are ten top inspirational quotes on the power of Confidence that provide a wonderful summation of the subject.
"Beliefs have the power to originate and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome potential to take any contact of their lives and originate a meaning that disempowers them or one that can really save their lives." (Anothony Robbins) "In any task the leading factor is your belief. Without Confidence there can be no prosperous outcome." (William James) "I can believe anyone provided it is incredible." (Oscar Wilde) "Keep your dreams alive. Understand to accomplish anyone requires faith and Confidence in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe." (Gail Devers) "For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." (Stuart Chase) "One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sell out what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying." (Joan of Arc) "If I have the Confidence that I can do it, I shall really secure the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning." (Mahatma Gandhi) "The outer conditions of a person's life will all the time be found to reflect their inner beliefs." (James Allen) "Miracles happen to those who believe in them." (Bernard Berenson) "One must marry one's feelings to one's beliefs and ideas. That is probably the only way to accomplish a measure of harmony in one's life." (Napoleon Hill)

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The 11 Most important Things in Life

Napoleon Hill Law Of Success In 16 Lessons - The 11 Most important Things in Life

Hello everybody. Now, I found out about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success In 16 Lessons - The 11 Most important Things in Life. Which may be very helpful to me and you. The 11 Most important Things in Life

There are so many foremost things in life. Some of these things aren't in fact things; maybe they are the high-priced habitancy in your life - your house or loved ones. But please forgive my lack of disagreement in the middle of people, places and things.

What I said. It isn't the conclusion that the true about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success In 16 Lessons. You check out this article for information on a person wish to know is Napoleon Hill Law Of Success In 16 Lessons.

Napoleon Hill Law Of Success In 16 Lessons

I want to impress upon you the most foremost aspects of life and so I ask you to indulge me and allow me the flexibility to reference anything, anybody or any place as things - just for the purpose of this blog post. I promise, it will help you gain considerable insights into maximizing your time on earth.

You'll observation that The 11 Most foremost Things in Life are not prioritized. This list includes grand dynamics and you conclude which ones are the most foremost to you - my point is only that nothing is more foremost than these 11 things.

Your Beliefs about life - religious views are considerable forces in your life. If you believe and have faith in your religion - regardless of which religion, then you need to align your life to those principals. I'm not saying the sky will fall on your world if you do not, but your inner being will be beset with turmoil if 1) you have deep religious beliefs and 2) how you live your life does not align to those beliefs.

Your Thoughts - thoughts are extremely grand forces. We are what we think about. Many habitancy spend their lives in 2 definite forms of thought: 1) Fear and 2) Worry. These are both deathtraps. You need to free your mind from thoughts of fear or worry if you want to perceive a unblemished journey in this world. A part of your thoughts is your ego. It is foremost to distinguish in the middle of a strong ego and a big ego. Be determined about who you are not how big you are.

Your Interpretations - whatever that ever happens to you in life has only the meaning that you assign to it. It doesn't matter what it is - it matters how you illustrate the event and how you react to it. And a big part of our interpretations is our memory. How we chose to reference our experiences and past interactions with others, either determined or negative, joyful or sad, have a profound effect on the quality and quantity of our years alive.

Your Feelings - feelings are based on our interpretations and are foremost to how our subconscious mind focuses on the world. By having a wholesome view on life (like ensuring that your living is aligned to your beliefs about life) you free yourself up to experience life without distraction.

Your Emotions - when you get emotionally excited about something - determined or negative (for instance when you experience ultimate joy or deep anger) these are the times when you are truly alive. Studying how to scholar your emotions is one of the most considerable lessons of life.

Your Word and Actions - how you 'express' yourself (by word or action) is your statement. It may not be genuine or it could be authentic. Your behavior is mostly what the world will judge you by - your activities and your results. But please observation that what other habitancy think about you is not one of the The 11 Most foremost Things in Life. In the end, it's not what habitancy think about you, it's what you think they think about you. Your willingness to make mistakes is a big part of our behavior and a core component to success in any area of life; there is no substitute for experience and experience comes from failure.

Your habitancy - either it be your immediately house or a nation to which you are willing to lay down your life. The habitancy that you hold dear to you are considerable beyond measure. 'Your People' includes your peers. I believe that one of the supreme truths in life is that, ultimately, we accomplish to the expectations of our peer group. So if you want to live in a country club - hang out with those that live in country clubs. If you want your marriage to last 50 years, connect with couples and habitancy who have a deep commitment to their families.

Your Love - either it be your god, your family, other person, an enemy or your passion in life - maybe a hobby that you've enjoyed since childhood or a sport or other passion; the loves of our life are the hallmark of our existence.

Your Time - when it comes to time, you can either invest it or spend it; there is no such thing as recovery time. How you spend your time is the biggest indicator to what is foremost to you.

Your vision - how you see your hereafter and your expectations for tomorrow make your vision your future. This is one of the most high-priced levers that we are blessed with - take advantage of your power.

Your Soul - this record is about helping you perceive foremost things that you need to conduct to maximize your time on this earth. But either you live to be 100 or even 200 years old, it will seemingly go by in a flash. Have you ever notion about eternity? It is a fairly daunting proposition isn't it? Forever is a really, in fact long time. Your spirit, your soul is the most enduring part of your being. P. Teilhard D. Chardin once said: "we are not bodily beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a bodily experience". And nothing could be more true.

Now I ask you, do you observation what each of these things have in common? Take a quick look. They all, each and every one of them, are Your things. By your, I mean that You own these things.

And that is a beautiful thing because You are in control. You have the power to turn your world in dramatic ways - naturally by altering how you conduct the items (people, places and things) listed above.

Grab a strong vision of who you want to become - it works the same either it is for weight loss, obtaining a degree or certification, launching a new vocation or finding a spouse. And Let The vision Empower You!

I hope you will get new knowledge about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success In 16 Lessons. Where you can offer use in your evryday life. And most importantly, your reaction is passed about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success In 16 Lessons.

The 11 Most leading Things in Life

Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf - The 11 Most leading Things in Life

Good afternoon. Yesterday, I discovered Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf - The 11 Most leading Things in Life. Which may be very helpful for me and also you. The 11 Most leading Things in Life

There are so many prominent things in life. Some of these things aren't surely things; perhaps they are the precious people in your life - your family or loved ones. But please forgive my lack of variation between people, places and things.

What I said. It just isn't the final outcome that the true about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf. You read this article for info on that wish to know is Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf.

Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf

I want to impress upon you the most prominent aspects of life and so I ask you to indulge me and allow me the flexibility to reference anything, anybody or any place as things - just for the purpose of this blog post. I promise, it will help you gain significant insights into maximizing your time on earth.

You'll notice that The 11 Most prominent Things in Life are not prioritized. This list includes considerable dynamics and you decree which ones are the most prominent to you - my point is only that nothing is more prominent than these 11 things.

Your Beliefs about life - religious views are significant troops in your life. If you believe and have faith in your religion - regardless of which religion, then you need to align your life to those principals. I'm not saying the sky will fall on your world if you do not, but your inner being will be beset with turmoil if 1) you have deep religious beliefs and 2) how you live your life does not align to those beliefs.

Your Thoughts - thoughts are highly considerable forces. We are what we think about. Many people spend their lives in 2 exact forms of thought: 1) Fear and 2) Worry. These are both deathtraps. You need to free your mind from thoughts of fear or worry if you want to comprehend a unblemished journey in this world. A part of your thoughts is your ego. It is prominent to distinguish between a strong ego and a big ego. Be definite about who you are not how big you are.

Your Interpretations - anything that ever happens to you in life has only the meaning that you assign to it. It doesn't matter what it is - it matters how you by comparison the event and how you react to it. And a big part of our interpretations is our memory. How we chose to reference our experiences and past interactions with others, whether definite or negative, joyful or sad, have a profound corollary on the ability and quantity of our years alive.

Your Feelings - feelings are based on our interpretations and are prominent to how our subconscious mind focuses on the world. By having a wholesome view on life (like ensuring that your living is aligned to your beliefs about life) you free yourself up to contact life without distraction.

Your Emotions - when you get emotionally excited about something - definite or negative (for instance when you contact greatest joy or deep anger) these are the times when you are truly alive. Learning how to master your emotions is one of the most significant lessons of life.

Your Word and Actions - how you 'express' yourself (by word or action) is your statement. It may not be genuine or it could be authentic. Your behavior is mostly what the world will judge you by - your activities and your results. But please notice that what other people think about you is not one of the The 11 Most prominent Things in Life. In the end, it's not what people think about you, it's what you think they think about you. Your willingness to make mistakes is a big part of our behavior and a core component to success in any area of life; there is no substitute for contact and contact comes from failure.

Your people - whether it be your immediately family or a nation to which you are willing to lay down your life. The people that you hold dear to you are significant beyond measure. 'Your People' includes your peers. I believe that one of the consummate truths in life is that, ultimately, we perform to the expectations of our peer group. So if you want to live in a country club - hang out with those that live in country clubs. If you want your marriage to last 50 years, join together with couples and people who have a deep commitment to their families.

Your Love - whether it be your god, your family, another person, an enemy or your passion in life - perhaps a hobby that you've enjoyed since childhood or a sport or other passion; the loves of our life are the hallmark of our existence.

Your Time - when it comes to time, you can whether spend it or spend it; there is no such thing as saving time. How you spend your time is the biggest indicator to what is prominent to you.

Your vision - how you see your hereafter and your expectations for tomorrow make your vision your future. This is one of the most precious levers that we are blessed with - take benefit of your power.

Your Soul - this report is about helping you comprehend prominent things that you need to manage to maximize your time on this earth. But whether you live to be 100 or even 200 years old, it will seemingly go by in a flash. Have you ever plan about eternity? It is a fairly daunting proposition isn't it? Forever is a really, surely long time. Your spirit, your soul is the most enduring part of your being. P. Teilhard D. Chardin once said: "we are not corporal beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a corporal experience". And nothing could be more true.

Now I ask you, do you notice what each of these things have in common? Take a quick look. They all, each and every one of them, are Your things. By your, I mean that You own these things.

And that is a beautiful thing because You are in control. You have the power to convert your world in dramatic ways - plainly by altering how you manage the items (people, places and things) listed above.

Grab a strong vision of who you want to come to be - it works the same whether it is for weight loss, obtaining a degree or certification, launching a new career or finding a spouse. And Let The vision Empower You!

I hope you have new knowledge about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf. Where you possibly can offer easy use in your day-to-day life. And most significantly, your reaction is passed about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf.

To Those Of You With Innovative Tendencies

Napoleon Hill Law - To Those Of You With Innovative Tendencies

The content is nice quality and useful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination To Those Of You With Innovative Tendencies.

Do you know about - To Those Of You With Innovative Tendencies

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How is To Those Of You With Innovative Tendencies

To Those Of You With Innovative Tendencies Tube. Duration : 3.62 Mins.

I hope you receive new knowledge about . Where you may put to use within your daily life. And just remember. View Related articles associated with Napoleon Hill Law. I Roll below. I even have recommended my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share To Those Of You With Innovative Tendencies.
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Napoleon Hill - Law of Success Vol.1/4 CD.4/7 part 7/7

Napoleon Hill Law - Napoleon Hill - Law of Success Vol.1/4 CD.4/7 part 7/7

The content is best quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Before the unique. It is now near to enter destination Napoleon Hill - Law of Success Vol.1/4 CD.4/7 part 7/7.

Do you know about - Napoleon Hill - Law of Success Vol.1/4 CD.4/7 part 7/7

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How is Napoleon Hill - Law of Success Vol.1/4 CD.4/7 part 7/7

Napoleon Hill - Law of Success Vol.1/4 CD.4/7 part 7/7 Video Clips. Duration : 6.15 Mins.

I hope you get new knowledge about . Where you'll be able to offer use in your daily life. And above all. View Related articles associated with Napoleon Hill Law. I Roll below. I even have recommended my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Napoleon Hill - Law of Success Vol.1/4 CD.4/7 part 7/7.
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Ernest Holmes The Power for Good 2012

Napoleon Hill Law - Ernest Holmes The Power for Good 2012

The content is good quality and useful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination Ernest Holmes The Power for Good 2012.

Do you know about - Ernest Holmes The Power for Good 2012

Napoleon Hill Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the actual about Napoleon Hill Law. You see this article for info on what you wish to know is Napoleon Hill Law.

How is Ernest Holmes The Power for Good 2012

Ernest Holmes The Power for Good 2012 Video Clips. Duration : 79.68 Mins.

I hope you obtain new knowledge about . Where you possibly can offer use in your day-to-day life. And above all. View Related articles related to Napoleon Hill Law. I Roll below. I have suggested my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Ernest Holmes The Power for Good 2012.
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The Art of polite Leadership

Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf - The Art of polite Leadership

Hi friends. Today, I discovered Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf - The Art of polite Leadership. Which could be very helpful in my opinion and also you. The Art of polite Leadership

As leaders encounter entirely new kinds of challenges and responsibilities, they find that they have the strength and resources to meet these challenges. For example, some first-time leaders ultimately learn that they have a gift for leading and entertaining others. Others find that they're especially talented at gauging others' motivations and values. Each time you make something happen as a leader—whether it's shaping your group's culture in definite ways, helping person scholar a new task, or assembling a top-notch team—leaders improve their abilities. They become more seasoned, experienced, and definite leaders, and have a sharper awareness of their own strengths and areas for improvement. Not only do they learn more about themselves as they improve in a leadership role; they also learn more about organizational life in general.

What I said. It isn't the conclusion that the real about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf. You see this article for information about anyone need to know is Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf.

Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf

The command and operate techniques of former generations are increasingly ineffective. Today’s leaders must be send thinking, possess moral courage, and skilled in the art of diplomacy. As a Trustee, I can recall any joint board meetings when the Pastor wasn’t present and it was difficult to keep everybody on task. I experienced similar instances onboard ship when the Commanding Officer and menagerial Officer were ashore. The changing structure of organizations, the growth of alliances in the middle of organizations, and the changing nature of work itself calls for new approaches to leadership. Paul suggested a new arrival in Galatians 5:22, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith…” By faith, Paul refers to something more than the knowledge of the earthly life of Jesus. He means a commitment of an individual to the way of life Jesus exemplified. This arrival has less to do with formal authority and the power to control, and more to do with using situational, strategic, and ethical leadership skills to keep groups of people who may not article to you aligned with an overarching purpose.

The most leading Ingredient: Ethics

Ethical Leadership includes a collection of elements. Beliefs concerning ethics involves taking into catalogue the purpose of the activity taken, the consequences to self and others, and the moral suitable by which the activity is measured. This doesn’t mean ignoring behalf and loss, productions costs, and so forth but rather concern for the rational measures of operation coupled with the recognition of the point of treating people right every day. “Moral leadership is about distinguishing right from wrong and doing right, seeking the just, the honest, the good, and the right guide in its practice” (Daft, 1999, p. 369).

Whether it involves judgment based on character or legal infractions, ethics has always been a favorite topic. When leaders wonder either their guide is ethical, they need to ask ‘What would I think if person else did it?’ Paul believed that the law identifies the flaws in a person's character but it does not take off them. Paul writes, "…whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace” (Galatians 5:4). Compassion is grounded in a larger understanding of our connection to God and one another. When we define Christianity as a list of do’s and don'ts, we restrict ourselves from enjoying an intimate connection with God. We get caught up in rules as if God were waiting to catch us out of line when He’s honestly waiting to pick us up when we fall. Christ does not make demands on us that limit our self-direction therefore we should not be inclined to judge others in that manner. In his Virtue-Centered theory of Judging, Lawrence Solum argued “theories of fairness are prior to theories of justice (2003, p. 178). True Christianity sees the role of leadership as based on love and grace.

We have all known people whose character was not consistent with their personality. However, character is of higher point than personality. Malphurs (2003) maintained “A Christian Leader emphasizes godly character” (p. 19). The assosication will hold people accountable for their behavior (character) but not for their personality traits. If the ‘fruit’ of the spirit (love, joy, peace, etc) and ‘fruit’ of the flesh (adultery, hatred, envy, etc) are the outcomes, then our character is the means towards that outcome. We must seek to do the right thing.

Character is our commitment to doing the right thing, which is why we should focus on character development. In 1 Timothy 4:7 Paul urges Timothy “…exercise thyself rather unto godliness.” Character and self-discipline are a leader’s moral strength to behave according to proper values. The strangeness arises not in knowing what is right but rather doing what is right. Look for organizations where the leaders have clearly defined, articulate, and exemplify the organizational values. “Leadership is doing the right thing even when we do not feel like it, perhaps especially when we do not feel like it” (Hunter, 2004, p. 145).

There are numerous ways to assist emerging leaders in ethical development. I would start with leading by example. It’s difficult to appreciate the pressures on a leader unless you have had that position. The best way to assist up-and-coming leaders either they’re your peers or subordinates is to let them see Christ working through you. “The movement away from command and operate leadership has brought new leadership styles that are more democratic and coach-like” (Lassiter, 2001). Terms such as shared or servant leadership are increasingly used to narrate some of these ways of interacting.

Another way to establish ethical behavior is to establish a personal creed – that which defines who you are, what your goals in life are, and how you intend to live your life. Kouzes and Posner (2002) observed “When you expound the theory that will govern your life and the ends that you will seek, you give purpose to your daily decisions” (p. 394). An ethical leader has one personality. either at home or at work, there is only one set of theory that guides his behavior.

As an Engineering Training Team leader onboard a Guided Missile Frigate, I worked hard to build trust within the team. All things was flat until Petty Officer Johnson joined. any members suggested that he lacked sense and he did not collaborate very well. The group went out for a "team" lunch, and left Johnson behind. I was shocked and disappointed. Johnson was highly competent and showed passion for his work. I met individually with all team members, along with Johnson, to allow them to narrate their concerns. I actively listened to what's being said. By better understanding the concerns of the group I was able get to the root causes of the problem. One method that helps make teams innovative is to “Make sure that the members of the group are communicating with one another.” (Biolos, 1996, p. 1).

The Most leading Lessons: Situations

“A Christian leader is a servant with the credibility and capabilities to work on people in a single context to pursue their God-given direction” (Malphurs, 2003, 131). The same person can be a victorious leader in one situation but fail in another. It is unlikely that there is a single set of abilities and characteristics that can be found in all leaders. It’s not that the characteristics are not important, but rather, the primary characteristics of the leader vary depending on the circumstances. The requirements to be a victorious Naval Officer, for example, would differ from those of a Elementary School primary or Sales Manager. McGregor (2006) suggested “…that it is more fruitful to reconsider leadership as a connection in the middle of the leader and the situation than as a universal pattern of characteristics possessed by definite people” (p. 253).

The Situational Leadership theory industrialized by Hersey and Blanchard focuses on the characteristics of followers as the leading element of the situation, and consequently of determining efficient leader behavior. Yukl (2002) observed “Major situational variables consist of the characteristics of followers, the nature of the work performed by the leader’s unit, the type of organizations, and the nature of the external environment” (p. 13). In other words, subordinates vary in readiness levels therefore leader behavior should be influenced by the factors that work on the entire situation.

Daft (1999) summarized the connection in the middle of leader style and follower readiness into four categories: telling, selling, participatory, and delegating. Telling is very directive, selling involves explaining decisions, participatory is sharing ideas to facilitate decision making, and delegating is a style that affords very microscopic direction and support. (p. 99 – 102). As leaders, our expert identity will transform in relation to the skills and abilities of the group as well as covering influences. This means that we look at the world from a different perspective.

As the Material and Logistics Officer for a Destroyer Squadron my areas of responsibility included two major departments on each of our six ships: Engineering and Supply. At the end of every month I experienced strangeness in getting summary reports from the Engineers but the provide reports were always right on-time. However, when the ships were underway the Engineering departments functioned admirably while the provide departments were somewhat shoddy. I had to adjust my style of leadership when dealing with the division Heads as the situations changed. For the monthly summary reports I used delegation with the provide Officers but a more directive arrival with the Engineers but the reverse while the operational phases. From a naval perspective, the Engineers were very operationally and technically proficient while the provide Officers were very enterprise oriented.

When we become a manager, we enter the role with our own expectations of what our new job will involve. Often, those expectations differ from the job's real requirements. In addition, the discrete people with whom we'll work—our direct reports, supervisors, and peers—have their own expectations concerning our role—and some of their expectations may friction with ours. Every situation we encounter will involve different skill sets. Each situation underscores the extent to which qoute solving is central to the work of leadership. In the age of teams, leaders don’t solve problems alone. They must operate from a enterprise discipline that will enable a group of workers to frame a qoute and agree on the most efficient way to solve it. Yet as basic as this task is, many organizations don’t solve problems using processes that result in optimal solutions.

An efficient team is diverse with differing skills that trust each other adequate to challenge one another’s work. Members don’t always agree but they should narrate and have a general openness to new ideas. There should be adequate differences in viewpoints that they have something entertaining to say to each other. Biolos (1996) maintained “…a homogeneous group whose members are prone only to agree with one other will typically not promote high levels of creativity” (p. 14).

Broken barriers can also have a definite work on on the organization. Entrepreneur Herman Cain discussed this very topic while the menagerial Leadership Banquet while the 2005 residency at Regent University. He stated that the purpose of leadership was to “remove barriers” that prevent followers from succeeding. London (2001) listed numerous barriers that not only prevent followership development but leadership development as well. Among others, he listed discrimination, sexual harassment, lack of confidence, Role friction (e. G., being a boss and colleague), inadequate experience/training for a key assignment, disapproval by others (especially social criticism), uncertainty about the future (e.g., because of a sudden change), and lack of information. (p. 218). Some of these barriers can sneak up moderately giving leaders time to adjust to the situation, as well as time to avoid the wall thereby addition the problem. Other barriers may occur suddenly and have detrimental affects on the organization. The leading task is that leaders learn how to recognize and deal with these barriers!

The primary Quality: Strategy

People often hunger for something greater than themselves. “Work without purpose (even if it takes great skill) can become mindless, heartless drudgery” (Woolfe, 2002, p. 24). people must have a common goal to work towards. Some call it vision, some call it foresight. Which ever the case, it involves leading with a purpose. Leaders who offer that will never have a shortage of followers. Purpose forced the fisherman to drop their nets and result Jesus. Purpose compelled the woman at the well to drop her water pot and spread the good news. “Your passion for something is an indication of what you find worthy in and of itself” (Kouzes and Posner, 2002, p. 112).

The purpose of each prophet was that each in his own way would keep an entire nation on task. Moses’ purpose was to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt to the edge of the Promised Land. Joshua’s purpose was to lead them in and Solomon’s was to build a temple, not for his own glory, but for the glory of a higher purpose. Woolfe (2002) maintained “When a leader is dedicated to a purpose, and when all the ‘troops’ see that dedication is unwavering and ‘for real,’ great things happen (p. 27). Strategic leadership involves not only creating a foresight but articulating and executing that foresight as well.

Strategic Leadership involves the connection of the external environment to choices about vision, mission, strategy, and their implementation. The organizational foresight reflects the environment and works in concert with the organization’s mission (values, purpose, etc.). Strategy provides directions for translating the foresight into activity and is the basis for developing methods for implementation. Strategic leadership theory explains how changes in the organization’s environment affects the relative power of leaders. Yukl (2002) identified three factors that work on the capability of leaders to work on the operation of the organization: 1) The evolutionary stage of the organization; 2) Political power within the organization; and 3) The leader’s time in office (p. 348 – 352). Naturally stated, the chance of a leader’s foresight to impact the operation of an assosication is greatly affected by historical factors such as the evolution of the organization, the leader’s level of influence, and his menagerial tenure.

Strategic Leadership involves the connection of the external environment to choices about vision, mission, strategy, and their implementation. The organizational foresight reflects the environment and works in concert with the organization’s mission (values, purpose, etc.). Strategy provides directions for translating the foresight into activity and is the basis for developing methods for implementation. Strategic leadership theory explains how changes in the organization’s environment affects the relative power of leaders. Yukl (2002) identified three factors that work on the capability of leaders to work on the operation of the organization: 1) The evolutionary stage of the organization; 2) Political power within the organization; and 3) The leader’s time in office (p. 348 – 352). Naturally stated, the chance of a leader’s foresight to impact the operation of an assosication is greatly affected by historical factors such as the evolution of the organization, the leader’s level of influence, and his menagerial tenure.

When I reported as the Chief Engineer aboard Uss Samuel B. Roberts (Ffg 58), I asked the Commanding Officer, my mentor and boss, where he saw the division going. He made a vague commentary and turned the request around, and ask—"Where do you see the division going?" I became somewhat puzzled with his response. He was purposefully being vague and not answering my request because it was my job, as the Chief Engineer, to generate the foresight and direction for my department.

I should have been mental about where I saw the division going, what it will take to get there, and how it fits into the Command’s comprehensive strategy. The end I arrived at became my most leading motivational tool, and helped to align resources and to keep people focused on the tasks at hand. “The most leading role of visions in organizational life is to give focus to human energy.” (Kouzes and Posner, 2002, p. 130). An efficient foresight is a leader’s most leading motivational tool; you’ll refer to it time and again, explaining its benefits and relevance to discrete audiences as you work to keep them on board. Maxwell (1993) asserts “People do not result a dream in itself. They result the leader who has that dream and the capability to narrate it effectively. Therefore, foresight in the beginning will make a leader, but for that foresight to grow and request a following, the leader must take responsibility for it” (p. 141).

More Than Logic

Leadership is not just about logic and reason. They have their place but there is much more to it than that. Acknowledging that it is not all rational is a major step toward accepting that there is something more leading – people’s feelings and emotions. Kippenberger (2002) maintained that “Leaders need to understand that at the heart of what they are trying to do is getting the best out of people.” (p. 113).

To gain and keep the commitment of followers, the leader/follower connection has to be nurtured. “Leadership is a connection in the middle of those who aspire to lead and those who choose to follow.” (Kouzes & Posner, 2002, p. 20). Diplomacy requires that we not only know and operate our own emotions but also learn how to recognize and handle other people’s emotions as well. What a leader achieves today depends on the people they are leading, and the best way to result is to get them to give their best. “The job of a leader is to accomplish a goal – that is the end, leading people is the means” (Kippenberger, 2002, p. 114).

Communicating Authenticity

Authenticity is hard to establish and harder to coach. “Since authenticity is a way of being as a leader rather than things you do as a leader, few instructions are outwardly helpful.” (Pearce, 2003, p. 11). responsibility for authenticity, then, belongs to the leader. through a aggregate of introspection and discipline, they have to find their authentic voice and amplify it so that it resonates with their followers.

One of the most difficult tasks for those who would quantum and value leadership is the task of trying to look at the elements that make up leadership. One way to look at these elements is to recommend that a leader has discrete skills, also has or exercises a distinctive style and, still more elusive, has discrete qualities that may be pronounced. By skill, I mean the capacity to do something well. Something that is learnable and can be improved, such as speaking or negotiating or planning. Most leaders need to have technical skills (such as writing well); human relations skills, the capacity to supervise, inspire, build coalition and so on; and also what might be called conceptual skills – the capacity to play with ideas, shrewdly seek advice and forge grand strategy. Skills can be examined. Skills can be taught. And skills Naturally make up an leading part of leadership capability. Skills alone, however, cannot warrant success.


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Herman Cain (Entrepreneur). (2005, September 15). The Regent University menagerial Leadership Series. [Banquet]. Virginia Beach, Va. Regent University, School of Leadership Studies.

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Kouzes, James M. And Posner, Barry Z. (2002). The Leadership Challenge. Third Edition. San Francisco, Ca. Jossey-Bass Publishing.

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Malpurs, Aubrey. (2003). Being Leaders. The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership. Grand Rapids, Mi. Baker Books.

Maxwell, John C. (1993). Developing the Leader Within You. Nashville, Tn. Thomas Nelson Inc.

McGregor, Douglas. (2006). The Human Side of Enterprise. Annotated Edition by Joel Gutcher-Gershenfeld. New York, Ny. McGraw-Hill.

Pearce, Terry (2003). leading Out Loud : entertaining turn through Authentic Communication. San Francisco, Ca. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Solum, Lawrence B. (2003, January) "Virtue Jurisprudence: A Virtue-Centered theory of Judging". Metaphilosophy, Vol. 34, No. 1/2, pp. 178-213, Retrieved electronically27 February, 2006. Http://

Woolfe, Lorin. (2002). Bible on Leadership: From Moses to Matthew - supervision Lessons for modern Leaders. New York, Ny. Amacom.

Yukl, Gary (2002). Leadership in Organizations. 5th Edition. Upper Saddle River, Nj. Prentice Hall.

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