The Top 5 Self-Help Gurus of All Time - Motivational Speakers Who Changed the World and Our Lives

Napoleon Hill Books - The Top 5 Self-Help Gurus of All Time - Motivational Speakers Who Changed the World and Our Lives

Good morning. Yesterday, I learned about Napoleon Hill Books - The Top 5 Self-Help Gurus of All Time - Motivational Speakers Who Changed the World and Our Lives. Which is very helpful to me and you. The Top 5 Self-Help Gurus of All Time - Motivational Speakers Who Changed the World and Our Lives

There's slight that self-help guru Napoleon Hill doesn't promise us. If we can conceive it, he was celebrated for saying, we can achieve it. And if anyone's a poster child for achieving startling success, Hill himself is. Arguably, he's the sole founder of the whole contemporary self-help business - a staggeringly superior billion business that's growing by more than 10% a year according to Marketdata Enterprises.

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Napoleon Hill Books

In honor of Hill and his predecessors, I've put together a list of the Top 5 Self-Help gurus of all time. Miners of soul - population who have changed not only the outer world, but our more personal, inner landscapes as well. When we need it most, it seems, we hear their voices in our heads, urging us to work a slight bit harder for our goals.

1)Napoleon Hill.

Napoleon Hill was an impoverished newspaper reporter when he was assigned to write a story on one of the most celebrated men in America: Andrew Carnegie. While his interview with the steel magnate, Hill learned that Carnegie had a very engaging philosophy. Namely, that success wasn't a matter of luck, breeding or house ties, but rather that it was a formulaic process that anyone could learn. Carnegie then offered to contribute Hill with a letter of hint if he would attempt to interview 500 other flourishing population to figure out in effect what the recipe was. Hill agreed. Hundreds of interviews and 20 years later, Hill would publish his first book in the form of a study guide called "The Law of Success."

Nearly 10 years after that, Hill would tinker with and perfect his ideas in a new book called, "Think and Grow Rich!" Published in the midst of the Great Depression, it would prove an instant bestseller, and it's still ordinarily reprinted - testament to its power to inspire and motivate. In it, Hill lays the foundation for practically all modern-day books one finds in the self-help aisle at their local bookstores. He does it with 17 principles of success. The first of these, he says, is a "definiteness of purpose." "If you will determine surely what you want most in your whole lifetime, and write it down on paper so that I can read it, I will give you the expert key with which you may open the door to the attainment of your desires, anyone they may be," he says.

2)Dale Carnegie.

Born a poor farming house in Missouri, Dale Carnegie would ultimately come to be one of the most celebrated authors in self-help history. Unlike Napoleon Hill who was given a mandate to lean about success, Carnegie practically inadvertently stumbling into motivational speaking. Strapped for cash in New York City, he notion he might be able to make some money teaching a procedure on social speaking. He secured a classroom at a local Ymca, found several students, and then, abruptly ran out of material with which to teach them. Floundering in front of the class, he notion he'd best give the students something to talk about. So, he asked them each to give a speech on something that made them angry. The results were astounding. The students took on new, more superior personas, speaking in front of a group without fear and without self-consciousness.

It was enough for Carnegie to comprehend that there had to be very definite techniques (not just luck or natural-born skills) that population could use to change their fears, attain their desires and get what they wanted out of life. In 1937, Carnegie published his most celebrated book, "How to Win Friends and sway People." The guidance he offers reads like a by hand for success in practically any attempt that involves other people, from administration jobs to house and friendships. One of his most celebrated pieces of advice? Get others to talk about themselves if you want them to like you. "I" is, after all, the most base word in practically any conversation.

3)Tony Robbins.

Tony Robbins first started generating attention in one of the least likely places a self-help guru might be born: infomercials. Promoting seminars for social speaker Jim Rohn, Robbins ultimately carved out enough credence for his own series of seminars. How exactly is that possibly? By the sheer force and infectiousness of his personality.

His seminars, with names like "Date with Destiny" and "Unleash the Power Within," drum up the sort of excitement ordinarily reserved for rock concerts. The seminars focus, too, on immediate performance - the No. 1 hurdle to accomplishment, Robbins argues. To account for the power of action, Robbins designed his "Unleash the Power Within" discussion colse to the "firewalk," a ritualistic march that his seminar-goers take over a bed of hot coals. The purpose? To prove that we can achieve things most population never try naturally by taking action.

Robbins has also written some heavyweight books to back his ideas - of which the two most celebrated are "Awaken the Giant Within" and "Unlimited Power." Both ended up on bestseller lists and both focus on similar things: 1) retention our vigor and excitement levels high so that we can achieve difficult tasks, and 2) changing not only our thoughts, but our "neurological" links with negative thoughts and habits. Once we've done that, we're free to reach our full potentials.

4)Deepak Chopra.

Dubbed the "poet-prophet of alternative medicine" by Time Magazine, Deepak Chopra has written more than 50 self-help books -- a startling sum for any author in any field. He's, maybe most famous, though, for his arguments on the power of the mind-body connection. Without a healthy body, he says, our minds can't function optimally. In fact, he even argues that our minds have the power to heal or harm themselves on a measure level.

Trained as a curative doctor, Chopra's also well-versed in alternative Eastern rehabilitation and thought, along with Ayrveda ("the science of life") and Vedanta (a philosophical principles rooted in the Upanishads). The goal of Vendanta is to free oneself from his or her own self-imposed limitations. In that sense, we're our own worst enemies. And that is, indeed, one of Chopra's central teachings: we must align ourselves with principles deeper than day-to-day trifles. When we're unaffected by inconveniences, we keep vigor for life's more important things.

5)Stephen Covey.

If you haven't heard of Stephen Covey's self-help books, you've probably seen his Franklin-Covey products at your local Office Max. Day planners and program books, Covey sells products to growth your effectively - the same thing he argues for in his books. The author of "The 7 Habits of highly sufficient People," Stephen Covey's self-help book was an international phenomenon that continues to sell copies to this day (more than 15 million copies in all). In "7 Habits," Covey argues that effectiveness isn't a skill, it's naturally a habit or a decision to take serious, dedicated action.

A Harvard Mba student, Covey spent decades teaching organizational behavior and business administration at Brigham Young University. Drawing on that experience, he produced a book that crystallizes sufficient action. The seven habits he laid out have come to be blueprints for modern-day managers. Among the most powerful? Seek first to understand, then to be understood. After it's all said and done, Covey writes, you've got to take a break and renew yourself.

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Book Notes, A Book summary on the Book Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy

Napoleon Hill Books - Book Notes, A Book summary on the Book Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy

Hello everybody. Yesterday, I learned about Napoleon Hill Books - Book Notes, A Book summary on the Book Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy. Which may be very helpful if you ask me and you. Book Notes, A Book summary on the Book Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy

Have you ever heard the phrase "eat that frog?" I never did until I read the book Eat That Frog, 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time, by Brian Tracy.

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Napoleon Hill Books

According to Brian, eating your frog is about tackling your most important, daunting tasks, and getting them done. The opinion is similar to how you eat an bite at a time. Brian's main point is that you eat your most ugliest frog first, the next ugliest, and so on, until all your frogs are done. When you "eat your frog," you feel empowered, happier, energized, and are more productive, i.e., you get more done.

The ideas Brian shares in his book are ideas he has picked up from 30 years of learning time management and has incorporated into his own life. Brain says that time management is life management, so these ideas apply to any aspect of your life, especially your firm when you're just getting started and working on it part time. The idea is to take operate over what you do and select the important tasks over the unimportant. This is a key determinate of success.

Here is a summary of each principle Brian covers in his book.

Principle 1: Set the Table

This principle is about determining what you want to accomplish. It's about getting clarity about your goals and objectives. One of the biggest reasons population procrastinate is vagueness and obscuring about what they want to do. Brian introduces his first Rule of Success: Think on paper. Do you know that population who have clear written goals perform 5 to 10 times more than population who don't?

Brian has a seven step method for setting and achieving goals:

1. Rule exactly what you want to do (one of the worst time wasters is doing something well that doesn't need to be at all).

2. Write your goal down. Writing your goal down crystallizes and put vigor behind it because it becomes real.

3. Set a deadline on you goal. This gives you a sense of accident with a beginning and end.

4. Make a list of all things you think you need to do to perform the goal. A optic photo give you a path to ensue and increases the likelihood of success.

5. Manufacture the list into a plan by priority and sequence. You can draw a map of your plan like a flow chart to help you visualize the steps.

6. Take action immediately. "Execution is everything."

7. Rule to do something everyday that takes you closer to your goal. Schedule your activities and never miss a day.

Having clear written goals affects your reasoning and motivates and drives you into action. Written goals stimulate creativity, release energy, help you overcome procrastination, and give you enthusiasm. Think about your goals and quote them everyday and take action.

Principle 2: Plan Each Day in Advance

This is basically production a to-do list. Just like eating an elephant, you eat a frog one bite at a time. Break you task down into steps. "Thinking and planning unlock your reasoning powers, trigger you creativity, and growth your reasoning and corporeal energies."

The great you plan, the easier to overcome procrastination, to get started, and to keep going. Brian claims that every dinky you spend planning will save as much as ten minutes in execution. So if you spend 10 to 12 minutes planning, you'll save at least 2 hours (100-120 minutes) in wasted time and attempt - very impressive.

Brian's introduces the Six P method for this principle: permissible prior planning prevents poor performance. His tips are: All you need is paper and pen. All the time work from a list - if something new comes up, add it to the list. Keep a devotee list of everything. Make a list for different purposes. Keep a monthly list, which you make at the end of each month for the following month. Keep a weekly list, which you make at the end of the week for the following week. Keep a daily list, which you make as the end of the day for the following day.

The lists feed off each other. Check off items as you perfect them. Checking the items off gives you a optic narrative of accomplishment and motivates you to keep going.

Follow the 10/90 Rule of personal effectiveness, which says if you spend the first 10% of your time planning and organizing your work before you begin, you'll save 90% of time getting the work done when you start.

Principle 3: Apply the 80/20 Rule

This principle says that 20% of your activities will inventory for 80% of your results, even when all your activities take the same whole of time to do. The activities that give you the most return on your venture are your frogs. Where you focus your time is the unlikeness between being busy and accomplishing something. You want to eliminate or spend less time on your low-value tasks. Your most needful tasks are the hardest and most complex, but give you the most bang for you time, so ask yourself if the task is a 20% task. Brian's rule here is "Resist the temptation to clear up small thing first."

Once you begin working on your hardest task, you become motivated to perfect it. "A part of you mind loves to be busy working on needful tasks that can indeed make a difference. Your job is to feed this part of your mind continually."

Thinking of beginning and finishing an important task motivates and helps you overcome procrastination. An important fact to remember is that "The whole of time required to perfect an important job is the same time it takes to do an unimportant job."

Principle 4: consider the Consequences

"The mark of a superior thinker is his or her quality to accurately predict the consequences of doing or not doing anything." reasoning through the consequences gives you an idea if an action is important and is a way to Rule the significance of a task. Any important task will have long-term possible consequences.

Dr Edward Banfield, from Harvard University, terminated that "the long-time perspective is the most accurate single predictor of upward collective and economic mobility in America" (a rare trait in our instant gratification world). Your attitude towards time has an impact on your behavior and choices. reasoning about the long-term impact will help you make great decisions, thus, one of Brian's rules: "Long-term reasoning improves short-term decision making."

Having a time to come orientation (5, 10, 20 years out) will allow you to analyze choices and will make your behaviors consistent with the time to come you want. Ask yourself, "What are the possible consequences of doing or not doing this task?"

Brian's follow-on rule is "Future intent influences and often determines present actions." The clearer you are on your time to come intentions, the great clarity on what to do at the present moment. Having a clear comprehension of your time to come intention helps you rate a task, delay gratification, and make the needful sacrifices in the future. Be willing to do what others aren't so you can have what others want later...greater rewards are in the long-term.

Dennis Waitley, a motivational speaker says, "Failures do what is tension-relieving while winners do what is goal achieving." Make important tasks a top priority and start them now. Time is passing anyway, so Rule how you will spend it and where you want to end up. reasoning about the consequences of your choices, decisions, and behaviors is the best way to Rule your priorities.

Principle 5: convention the Abcde method Continually

The Abcde method is a priority setting technique to help you be more effective and effective. The installation behind the technique is that the more you invest in planning and setting priorities, the more important things you will do and do faster once you start.

You start by listing all things you have to do for the day and categorize all things into A, B, C, D, or E.

An "A" is something that is very important that you must do or there will be serious consequences (this is your frog.) A "B" is something you should do that has mild consequences (Brian calls these your tadpoles). A "C" is something that would be nice to do but there are no consequences. A "D" is something that you can delegate to someone, which frees up time for you to work your A. An "E" is something you can eliminate because it makes not unlikeness at all.

Discipline yourself to work your A and stay on it until it is complete. If you have more than one task in each category, label the most important A1, the next A2, etc., and do the same for the other categories. Never do a B before an A, or a C before a B.

Principle 6: Focus on Key ensue Areas

This principle is about focusing on what you are working towards. Every job can be broken down into "key ensue areas," which are results you must perform and for which you are responsible. For example, the key ensue areas for management are planning, organizing, staffing, delegating, supervising, measuring, and reporting.

Identify your key ensue areas and list your responsibilities for each. Then grade yourself on a scale of 1-10 in each ensue area. Where are you strong? Where are you weak? Are you getting results or under performing? Brian's rule for this area is "Your weakest key ensue area sets the height at which you can use all your other skills and abilities." Essentially, your weakest area limits your total performance.

This leads to someone else presuppose population procrastinate-they avoid things where they have performed poorly in the past. Procrastination doesn't regularly happen in an area you're good in. Ask yourself, "What one skill, if I industrialized and did in an exquisite fashion, would have the most obvious impact in my career" (or life, or business)? Ask those nearby you. Then set a goal to improve in that weak area.

Principle 7: Obey the Law of Forced Efficiency

"There is never enough time to do everything, but there is All the time enough time to do the most important thing." Brian's rule that applies here is "There will never be enough time to do all things you have to do." (That's a hard pill to swallow and something we probably subconsciously know but don't accept.) A fact Brian states in his book is that the mean someone is working at 110-130% of capacity, which means you will never get caught up. So that means you need to stay on top of your most important responsibilities.

People generate more stress for themselves when they procrastinate and put themselves under the pressure of a deadline. When you're up against a deadline, you tend to make more mistakes. The questions to ask yourself on a quarterly basis are:

1. What are my highest value activities?
2. What can I, and only I, do that, if done well, will make a real difference?
3. What is the most needful use of my time right now?

The answers to these questions will recognize your biggest frog at the moment. "Do first things first and second things not at all."

Principle 8: get ready thoroughly Before You Begin

This principle means preparing and having all things you need ready before you begin your task. Have all things you need effortlessly available in front of you. Remove all things that's not going to help you. generate a workspace you'll enjoy working in.

Principle 9: Do Your Homework

"Learn what you need to learn so that you can do your work in an exquisite fashion."

Other reasons for procrastination are feelings of inadequacy, lack of confidence, and lack of competence in a key area of a task. To overcome these issues, work on your development. Professional amelioration is one of the best time savers there is. Brian's rule here is "Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field." Keep on enhancing your skills.

Principle 10: Leverage Your special Talents

Identify your unique skills and commit yourself to becoming good in these areas, then apply your knowledge and skills (no one can ever take those away). Ask yourself, "What am I indeed good at?" "What do I enjoy the most about my work?" "What has been most responsible for my success in the past?" "If I could do any job at all, what job would it be?" Focus on your best energies and abilities.

Principle 11: recognize Your Key Constraints

Limiting factors work on how swiftly and how well you get your task done. They are the needful path or choke point to achieving your goal. recognize your limiting factors by request yourself what is retention you back, then focus on alleviating those factors as much as possible. Getting rid of those limiting factors regularly brings more progress in a shorter time than whatever else.

The 80/20 Rule applies here too-80% of the constraints are internal, only 20% are external. Those constraints can be as straightforward as a opinion or belief. Accept responsibility and get rid of your constraint.

Principle 12: Take it One Oil Barrel at a Time

A saying about tackling whatever is "by the yard, it's hard, but inch by inch, it's a cinch." Taking an "one oil barrel at a time" is the same concept. Brian talks about a trip in Algeria through the Sahara Desert. Because of the vastness of the desert and the lack of landmarks, the French had settled empty oil barrels on the road as markers. The barrels were settled 5 kilometers apart, so you could All the time see the next barrel. So the meaning of this principle is to go as far as you can see, and when you get there, you can see farther. Step out on faith, have confidence, and the next step will become clear.

Principle 13: Put Pressure on Yourself

The intent behind this principle is to take fee of you life before you end up waiting for a saving that will never come. Be a leader, someone who can work without supervision, which agreeing to Brian is only about 2% of people. Set standards for yourself higher than you would for others and go the extra mile.

This is all about self-esteem, which is your credit of yourself, as defined by psychologist Nathaniel Brandon. all things you do affects your self esteem. Push yourself and you'll feel great about you.

Principle 14: Maximize Your Personal Powers

Physical, mental, and emotional energies make up your personal execution and productivity. So guard and nurture your vigor level. Rest when you need to. When you're rested, you get much more done.

A general rule is that productivity tends to decline after about 8-9 hours. recognize the times you are at your best and use that time to work on your frogs. Take time out to rest, rejuvenate, eat well, and exercise.

Principle 15: Motivate Yourself Into Action

This principle is about controlling your thoughts and being your own cheerleader. Coach and encourage yourself. How you talk to yourself determines your emotional response.

How you elucidate things that happen to you determines how you feel. How you feel can motivate or de-motivate you. become an optimist and don't let setbacks and negativity work on your mood.

"In study after study, psychologists have determined that 'optimism' is the most important quality you can Manufacture for personal and Professional success and happiness."

Brian identifies 3 behaviors of an optimist.

1. Look for the good in every situation.
2. Seek the needful chapter in every setback or difficulty.
3. Look for the solution to every problem.

When you visualize your goals and talk to yourself positively, you feel focused, energized, confident, creative, and have a greater sense of operate and personal power.

Principle 16: convention Creative Procrastination

This is a personal execution principle about putting off doing smaller, less ugly frogs. Ultimately, you can't do all things (remember Principle 7, Obey the Law for Force Efficiency?), so procrastinate on low value activities (bonus: you get to select which ones).

This is a matter of setting priorities, something you do more of and sooner, and setting "posteriorities," something you do less of and later. The rule that applies here is "You can set your time and your life under operate only to the degree to which you end lower value activities."

Say "no" to low value use of your time and life and say "no" early and often, because you don't have spare time. Thoughtfully and deliberately Rule what things you are not going to do right now. Avoid the unconscious tendency to procrastinate on the big, hard, valuable, important tasks.

You are responsible for evaluating your activities and identifying those that are time-consuming with not real value. Get rid of them or delegate them (um, sounds like Principle 5, convention the Abcde Method). convention "zero-based thinking." Ask yourself, "If I was not doing this already, knowing what I now know, would I get into it again today?" If you get a yes answer, it's an "E."

Principle 17: Do the Most Difficult Task First

This is the hardest, most difficult principle because you're "eating your frog." Brian outlines 7 steps to gain this skill (these steps are a nice summary of the some of the ideas we have already covered):

1. At the end of the day/weekend, make a list of all things you have to do the next day. 2. quote the list using the Abcde method combined with the 80/20 rule. 3. pick you A1 task, the one with the most severe consequences. 4. Regain all things you need to start and end the task; get it ready to start the next morning. 5. Clear your workspace so you're only ready to start your A1 task. 6. Discipline yourself to get up, get ready, and start the task without interruptions before you do whatever else. 7. Do this for 21 days (creates the habit).

When you get into the habit of doing the most difficult task first, you'll double your productivity in less than a month, and you'll break the habit of procrastination.

Learn to say "Just for today," as you're developing your new habit. "Just for today, I will plan, prepare, and start on my most difficult task before I do whatever else."

Principle 18: Slice and Dice the Task

This principle is the "salami slice" advent to getting work done. Do one slice of the task at a time. Psychologically, it's easier to do a smaller piece that to start on the whole job-like eating an elephant. We tend to want to do someone else slice when we get done with one. population have a deep subconscious need to bring finality to a task, the "urge to completion." We feel happier and more remarkable when we start and end a task because endorphins are released-the bigger the task, the bigger the sense of accomplishment.

This advent is also known as the "Swiss cheese" method; you punch a hole in the task by spending a exact whole of time on the task.

Principle 19: generate Large Chunks of Time

This principle is about scheduling time to work on large tasks. To make needful progress on your tasks, you need blocks of high-value, high productivity time. The key is to plan your day in progress and Schedule fixed blocks of time, especially for things you don't enjoy doing. Make an appointment with yourself (sounds a lot like Principle 2, Plan Each Day in Advance).

Eliminate distractions and work nonstop. "Deliberately and creatively Manufacture the concentrated time periods you need to get your key jobs done well and on schedule."

Principle 20: Manufacture a Sense of Urgency

The basis of this principle is to be action-oriented. A sense of accident is an "inner drive and desire to get on with the job swiftly and get it done fast." Take the time to think, plan, and set priorities, then work them. generate a reasoning state of "flow," which is the "highest human state of execution and productivity."

In the "flow" state, you feel elated, clear, calm, efficient, happy, and accurate. all things you do seems effortless. You function at a higher plane of clarity, creativity, and competence. You are more sensitive and aware.

Developing a "sense of urgency" triggers the flow state. Race against yourself; Manufacture a "bias for action." Manufacture a fast tempo which goes hand and hand with success.

When you become action-oriented, you trigger the "Momentum Principle of Success." You end up using less vigor to keep piquant than the vigor it takes to get started. The faster you move, the more vigor you have, and the more you get done. Repeat to yourself, "Do it now!" When you find yourself distracted, tell yourself, "Back to work!"

Principle 21: single Hand Every Task

This principle is about concentrating single-mindedly on your frog until it's done, which is the key to high level execution and personal productivity. Hard, concentrated work precedes every great achievement. You can cut the time to end a task by 50% or more when you consolidate single-mindedly, agreeing to Brian.

Starting and stopping can growth the time to end a task by an estimated 500% because you have to get reacquainted with the task and overcome inertia to get started again. When you stop, you break the cycle and move backwards. Manufacture momentum by getting into a "productive work rhythm." "The more you discipline yourself to working non-stop on a single task, the more you move transmit along the 'efficiency curve.'" You get more high quality work done in less time.

Success requires self-discipline, self-mastery, and self control. Elbert Hubbard defines self-discipline as "the quality to make yourself do what you should do when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not." Starting, persisting, and finishing a task is a true test of character, will, and resolve. Persistence is self-discipline in action. You end up liking and respecting yourself better. You shape and mold your character and become a superior person.


There you have it, 21 ideas for overcoming procrastination so you can "eat your frog." As a ensue of integrating these ideas into your work habits, you will be happy, satisfied, feel a sense of personal power and effectiveness, and will become a great success. Fortunately, all this ideas can be learned through repetition. As a recap, here they are:

1. Set the table.
2. Plan every day in advance.
3. Apply the 80/20 rule to everything.
4. consider the consequences.
5. convention the Abcde method continually.
6. Focus on key ensue areas.
7. Obey the Law of Forced Efficiency.
8. get ready thoroughly before you begin.
9. Do you homework.
10. Leverage your key special talents.
11. recognize your key restraints.
12. Take it one oil barrel at a time.
13. Put the pressure on yourself.
14. Maximize your personal powers.
15. Motivate yourself into action.
16. convention creative procrastination.
17. Do the most difficult task first.
18. Slice and dice the task.
19. generate large chunks of time.
20. Manufacture a sense of urgency.
21. Single-handle every task.

I propose you read the book. Don't let the whole 21 scare you. The book is an easy read and Brian gets right to the point-no extra fluff. You'll gain a great comprehension of the principles, and the great you understand them, the great you'll be able to apply them to your firm and life. The benefit is you get to successfully "Eat that frog!"

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Book tell - The Power of positive mental

Napoleon Hill Books - Book tell - The Power of positive mental

Good evening. Yesterday, I found out about Napoleon Hill Books - Book tell - The Power of positive mental. Which is very helpful to me and you. Book tell - The Power of positive mental

There are possibly a half dozen self revising books of the 20th century that tower above the rest in their popularity. How to Win Friends and work on habitancy by Dale Carnegie, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and The Power of distinct thinking by Norman Vincent Peale are among the most well known and best sold of the bunch.

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Napoleon Hill Books

In 1952 Peale's book took bookstores by storm and has been a strong seller ever since. While remaining very popular the book has also drawn its share of criticism. Peale was a Christian minister and he uses a wholesome dose of Christian religious faith and request for retrial to the power of God in this book. Yet while his frequent referrals to God and faith in God may put off non-believers or at least non-Christians, his emphasis on faith in oneself and one's fellow man as well as his emphasis on thinking one's way to success put off his fellow clergy and Christian friends who felt he diluted the Word of God too much and mixed too much humanism to suit a Christian audience.

Over time Peale's composition of humanistic and religious themes may be the book's strongest asset. More habitancy may have found the book inspirational because of this duality than are put off by it.

However for many the jumping back and forth between a idea based success model similar to Napoleon Hill's approach and a more religious emphasis on acknowledging the power and need for God's and especially Christ's intervention almost like an Alcohols Anonymous meeting is off putting. One almost wants to ask Peale to make up his mind. Yet Peale never found any contradiction in any of this. He did not see man's faith in himself as inconsistent in any way with man's faith in God.

On the strong side this book is full of anecdotes and seminar that inspires one to see how a distinct thinking attitude can lead one to success and equally how a negative approach is sure to lead to failure in one or more forms. Peale's book also addresses the whole person. Long before it was fashionable to speak about life balance Peale stresses the significance of a man seeing happiness and success in all aspects of their life, not just in their company or work.

On the weaker side the book is one of the last written in an earlier style of writing with pages filled with long paragraphs of text absent the outline style of success literature we are accustomed to now days. There are few sub headings or bullets in this book. The writing style is clear but dense. You have to read it considered and with full attention to draw out the faultless meaning. This is not a book for a lazy afternoon perusal. This is a book to be studied and is best read in manageable bites with ample time to digest and reflect upon what one has written.

Regardless of your religious persuasions, or lack of them, this is a first-rate and is infectious in its endeavor to move you toward a distinct outlook. Anything serious about a success literature library needs to own it and read it. Anything feeling negative, lost or down would likely benefit from it.

The Power of distinct Thinking

©1980 Renewed by Norman Vincent Peale

First Published in 1952. Prentice-Hall Inc.

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Book Review: Dear John

Napoleon Hill Books - Book Review: Dear John

Good evening. Now, I learned about Napoleon Hill Books - Book Review: Dear John. Which may be very helpful to me therefore you. Book Review: Dear John

Dear John is Nicholas Sparks' latest novel. I've read all of Sparks' books and I have my favorites, such as The Notebook, and now Dear John is on my list of favorites too.

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Napoleon Hill Books

It's a touching story of young love that lasts a lifetime. The main character, John Tyree, first met the love of his life, Savannah Curtis, on the beach in North Carolina. At the time, John was home visiting his father while on a short leave from the military. Savannah, a college student, was in town with some of her peers working on a Habitat for Humanity project.

The two were an unlikely pair from the beginning. John was somewhat of a rebel who ran off right after high school to join the Army, while Savannah was a pure, hardworking, Southern girl. But, as they say, opposites attract. From the beginning, theirs was a qualified bond that unfortunately was all the time separated by time and distance. John had his obligations to his forces duty and Savannah had her obligations to completing her education.

However, the two remained very committed to each other, despite their distance, until the unexpected events of September 11th changed everything, not only for the world, but also for this young couple's future.

A novel like this makes you wonder about all the citizen who pass through our lives and how often a particular incident can convert fate forever. It's a very endearing and heartwarming story about love and sacrifice. If you resolve to check it out, my only hint is that you might want to have some tissue nearby!

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What Does Commitment Mean?

Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf - What Does Commitment Mean?

Good evening. Now, I found out about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf - What Does Commitment Mean?. Which may be very helpful in my experience therefore you. What Does Commitment Mean?

Society changes so dramatically and in such short spaces of time. Where stability in community and house were considered the ideal, nowadays we see impermanence and change; a more precarious work environment where jobs are at a selected and a firm's loyalty to its staff is being pushed aside for more cost effective work solutions and an increase in short term contracts and profits. We've seen marriage take a back seat in favour of long term partnerships, and disjunction rates get higher and higher.

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Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf

We used to take it as a given that one would be committed to an ideal, or a life partnership, or a trust system; it gave stability and foundation, and helped us

You know in your heart that nothing ever stays the same. Change is automatic. Life moves on and communal constructs evolve to reflect development in communal Change and global rearrangements.

It's easy to see how the definitions of concepts like commitment and enforcement can become blurred because of these changes. Understandable that constant Change and evolution can challenge your will to assert a true purpose in life and to ignore the distractions of the environment and the community.

Therefore, now more than ever before, it's prominent to remember the meaning and value of commitment.

In this changing world, commitment means remaining steadfast and true to your system and goals, no matter how much dust is kicked up on the path ahead. It means reminding yourself of the obligations you have - not solely to other habitancy but to yourself - and honouring those obligations.

By comprehension the meaning of commitment, you retort the profound supervene that staying steadfast has on the community colse to you. Your path isn't solitary and you are not on that road alone. Every committed action you take and every decision you make inspires others to take on their own personal challenges and to peruse their own courage and determination.

Commitment is the key to unlocking doors and windows, and letting the light in to show how we can all lead a more focused life.

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Napoleon Hill Law - POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE by Dr. Hill

The content is nice quality and helpful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE by Dr. Hill.

Do you know about - POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE by Dr. Hill

Napoleon Hill Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about Napoleon Hill Law. You read this article for info on an individual want to know is Napoleon Hill Law.


POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE by Dr. Hill Video Clips. Duration : 8.02 Mins.

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insurance Agents Name Choices - insurance Specialist, Financial Planner, or Life Advisor?

Napoleon Hill Quotes - insurance Agents Name Choices - insurance Specialist, Financial Planner, or Life Advisor?

Hi friends. Today, I learned all about Napoleon Hill Quotes - insurance Agents Name Choices - insurance Specialist, Financial Planner, or Life Advisor?. Which could be very helpful to me and you. insurance Agents Name Choices - insurance Specialist, Financial Planner, or Life Advisor?

Are you one of the plain guarnatee agents? Agents often prefer to upgrade their title as an guarnatee specialist or financial counselor on their business card. Names like life counselor reflect definite touch and knowledge. Which of these separate terms distinguishes you from being just one of the guarnatee agents? Here are 101 top choices to pick from.

What I said. It shouldn't be the actual final outcome that the actual about Napoleon Hill Quotes. You look at this article for information about that need to know is Napoleon Hill Quotes.

Napoleon Hill Quotes

There is a lot more to a name then may realize. Calling yourself an agent or sales agent makes you sound run of the mill. It also projects the sound of a salesman trying to sell you something. Few habitancy enjoy feeling a man is selling them anything, it stinks of pressure. This is why in this list of separate terms you will see how high words like specialist, expert, and pro rank. The prospect gets a wholly new perspective, just by the title you give yourself! Prospects intimately take consideration when an agent jointly works with them in reaching a decision on what is the best plan of action. Prospective clients want to feel like they are part of the decision process.

Important internet hunt tip: to get an definite count use quote marks colse to your term, "insurance specialist" will only give you that term in that exact order. Without the quotes you would also get all instances of habitancy searching terms such as specialist insurance, specialist in writing guarnatee claims, specialist in automobile guarnatee sales, etc.

To give this article value, in front of each of the guarnatee agents distinctions is the estimate of current Google listings. This way you can as a matter of fact see how often internet views "insurance agent " look-up terms like specialist, planner, representative, and. Advisor. Please remember the Google count figures often turn daily.

1. 10,600,000 = financial advisor

2. 6,690,000 = guarnatee agent

3. 4,280,000 = financial planner

4. 2,120,000 = speculation advisor

5. 1,780,000 = guarnatee agents brokers

6. 1,600,000 = speculation adviser

7. 999,000 = guarnatee guide

8. 735,000 = guarnatee specialist

9. 638,000 = financial expert

10. 604,000 = financial professional

11. 590,000 = financial specialist

12. 513,000 = life pro

13. 433,000 = guarnatee professional

14. 431,000 = health guarnatee agent

15. 322,000 = guarnatee expert

16. 271,500 = guarnatee salesman

17. 269,000 = life professional

18. 268,000 = life guarnatee agent

19. 253,000 = guarnatee consultant

20. 252,000 = guarnatee advisor

21. 244,000 = guarnatee sales representative

22. 219,000 = guarnatee manager

23. 218,000 = estate advisor

24. 217,000 = guarnatee executive

25. 189,000 = estate planner

26. 186,000 = independent guarnatee sale

27. 179,000 = guarnatee sales agent

28. 155,000 = guarnatee seller

29. 130,000 = guarnatee producer

30. 126,000 = speculation representative

29. 120,000 = guarnatee authority

30. 119,000 = guarnatee representative

31. 112,000 = life agent

32. 107,000 = life guarnatee specialist

32. 104,000 = life specialist

33. 102,000 = guarnatee adviser

34. 89,900 = guarnatee sales manager

35. 86,200 = licensed guarnatee agent

36. 85,200 = guarnatee manager

37. 71,000 = health agent

38. 66,600 = guarnatee pro

39. 65,100 = guarnatee sales rep

40. 60,000 = guarnatee designer

41. 59,400 = guarnatee sales person

42. 55,600 = life consultant

43. 54,500 = group agent

44. 52,200 = ins agent

45. 50,100 = estate adviser

46. 50,000 = guarnatee pros

47. 46,800 = guarnatee counselor

48. 43,800 = financial pro

49. 43,400 = guarnatee salesperson

50. 40,200 = guarnatee sales specialist

51. 37,700 = life producer

52. 37,000 = guarnatee sales executive

53. 35,400 = independent guarnatee brokers

54. 34,700 = long term care professional

55. 34,500 = financial planning advisor

56. 33,900 = medical guarnatee specialist

57. 31,300 = health guarnatee professional

58. 29,300 = life guarnatee expert

59. 29,000 = guarnatee rep

60. 28,900 = financial planning advisor

61. 27,500 = health guarnatee specialist

62. 26,000 = health guarnatee advisor

63. 25,500 = independent guarnatee professional

64. 24,700 = laborer benefits specialist

65. 24,000 = life advisor

66. 22,900 = life guarnatee advisor

67. 21,800 = life guarnatee sales specialist

68. 19,900 = life guarnatee professional

69. 19,300 = guarnatee producer

70. 19,200 = licensed financial planner

71. 16,200 = health guarnatee producer

72. 14,900 = guarnatee sales consultant

73. 14,000 = term life guarnatee broker

74. 12,800 = long term care specialist

75. 12,700 = annuity specialist

76. 12,500 = estate planning specialist

77. 12,200 = guarnatee marketer

78. 11,950 = life guarnatee representative

79. 11,900 = guarnatee planner

80. 10,600 = guarnatee sales professional

81. 10,400 = life guarnatee advisor

82. 10,200 = guarnatee writer

83. 9,650 = guarnatee recruiter

84. 9,480 = financial planning advisor

85. 9,030 = estate planning advisor

86. 8,570 = annuity broker

87. 7,520 = guarnatee general manager

88. 7,070 = guarnatee trainee

89. 6,800 = long term care guarnatee specialist

90. 6,670 = term life guarnatee agent

91. 6,440 = long term care guarnatee agent

92. 5,870 = licensed life agent

93. 5,300 = financial guarnatee agent

94. 5,270 = annuity agent

95. 5,080 = ins professional

96. 5,030 = medical guarnatee professional

97. 5,010 = disability guarnatee agent

98. 4,990 = laborer benefits professional

99. 4,430 = mortgage guarnatee agent

100. 4,200 = disability guarnatee specialist

101. 3,900 = long term care agent

For your own sake, never tell prospective clients that you are one of 1,500,000 guarnatee agents licensed to sell life, health, annuities, and financial policies. The term guarnatee specialist or guarnatee pro immediately makes your prospect more definite of your abilities. However, please do not use the overused and abused terms of financial planner or estate planner unless you as a matter of fact are suited to be one.

If case, you are interested, here are more titles with over 1,000 Google entry occurrences that did not make the top 101 list. They include group health professional, ins specialist, guarnatee marketing representative, health guarnatee adviser, ins representative, term life guarnatee specialist, mortgage life guarnatee agent, guarnatee marketing specialist, disability guarnatee broker, life ins agent, term life agent, senior store specialist, life speculation adviser, Mdrt guarnatee agent, and guarnatee saleswoman.

Should you want to get more attentiveness on major hunt engines like Google, Yahoo, and Ask, here are some tips. On the front of your website entry page, use the title and first line to put a more illustrated term about the services you provide. Rather than announcing "insurance agent for many products", try this, "medical guarnatee pro and disability guarnatee specialist." Both these titles only have about 5,000 competing entries, which could include 3,500 to 4,000 weak ones each. Now it depends on following the guidance given, and internet hunt motor skills you possess. An internet searcher might now find you in the top 100 listings for each of the terms! On an "insurance agent" search, with well over 6,000,000 listings, it might take a 24/7 week to find you listed toward the end of the heap.

I hope you will get new knowledge about Napoleon Hill Quotes. Where you'll be able to offer easy use in your everyday life. And most significantly, your reaction is passed about Napoleon Hill Quotes.

insurance clubs Listings and Ratings Guide For insurance Agents & Brokers

Napoleon Hill Quotes - insurance clubs Listings and Ratings Guide For insurance Agents & Brokers

Hello everybody. Yesterday, I found out about Napoleon Hill Quotes - insurance clubs Listings and Ratings Guide For insurance Agents & Brokers. Which is very helpful in my opinion and also you. insurance clubs Listings and Ratings Guide For insurance Agents & Brokers

Here is the newest, revised version of the best guarnatee companies listings. These are compiled in a top 100 ratings guide format. The listings are in alphabetical order helping guarnatee agents & brokers search an insurer. Find out how your view compares. How can you perhaps rate an guarnatee company? I will mention briefly the assorted ways, show you the recipe I is used for this article, and why.

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Napoleon Hill Quotes

By estimate Of Agents

This ratings guide listing recipe evaluates the insurer by the sheer estimate of guarnatee agents & brokers currently licensed and under contract. With carrier. I feel this assessment to be worthless for a multitude of reasons. First of all there are a estimate of vocation health and life guarnatee agencies that have thousands of representatives. However, of these,up to 80% of the total agents are relatively new in attempting to manufacture credibility in the industry. Four years down the line only 6% of many an guarnatee firm department force will pronounce adequate production to stay vocation representatives.

Moreover, my findings search inaccuracy of this recipe due to licensing renewal process state guarnatee departments impose on the insurer. Most state departments of guarnatee send the renewal report forms on a every year basis. There is a fee to be paid by each ins agent renewed. What makes it difficult is the difference of different paperwork procedures by personel states for removing non-active ins reps. The paperwork consists of costly, time entertaining forms and procedures for the guarnatee firm to make any changes. Renewing all the sales representatives is often cheaper, and thus the route the insurer oftentimes takes. This also gives the guarnatee firm bragging proprietary to how many sales population write for them.

Personally I was shown in state guarnatee department records as licensed for 11 years after I wrote my last case.

Insurance Co Financial Ranking Listings
There are four or five top independent firms that employ this insurer rating of a firm based on a multitude of financial factors. A lot has to do with projecting the financial stability of the insurer. This is concluded by closely dissecting past and present financial history. It covers how the insurer investments perform, and the rate of return. An guarnatee assessment also takes in consideration the estimate of cash on hand, and how much exists in reserves to pay present and time to come claims.

There is a consensus among life guarnatee connection members into believing that the highest rated insurers are the best of the bunch. Yet connection members make up less than 12% of the total producer base. The other guarnatee agents and brokers, (the majority), do not agree that these are always the best ones to use for their client's needs. Logic tells you that a newer ability insurer does not have past history to start out top ranked. In my situation, clients bought what I presented them. Nearly half the time it was Not the highest rated firm by the rating firms. I however sold the client what their emotional needs demanded. Many past guarnatee companies with rankings in the best 100 later financially failed, and still oftentimes do in today's world.

By Ranking Of Premiums Collected

This is a very base type of guarnatee firm listing & ranking to produce. guarnatee companies are rated by total estimate of premiums they collected that year. It seems rather unfair to mix annuity premiums in with all dollars collected. Producers know it is easier to sell a ,000 annuity than a ,000 premium term guarnatee policy. The other fault I find with using total premiums collected is with who no ifs ands or buts contributed a chunk of the premiums collected. With some companies an stupendous estimate of these premiums were not collected by the midpoint sales person. A lot of institutional buyers directly bought hundreds of thousands of dollars of annuity premiums.

By Ratings important To health & Life Sellers

This is my way. As fair and balanced from an sales representative perspective as feasible. Premiums are collected from the 1,500,000 agents, trying to make a living by selling guarnatee policies in this industry. Often these sales are done one by one. Plus, of this 450,00 independent brokers, semi-independent agents and some vocation reps write, depending on which company, 50% to 100% of that guarnatee co business.

This rankings recipe is imposed because I find the guarnatee companies listing is intended to be a beneficial directory. One that independent brokers, semi-independent representatives, along with some vocation reps can turn to. This is a guide directory to other insurers that you may think writing production for.

The guarnatee companies listing and ratings guide to the top 100 is purposely settled in alphabetical order instead of by premium or financial data. You may not agree thoroughly with the listing, because we have left in some companies with a strong division of firm sold in annuities, and venture products.

In the eyes of a typical health and life broker, this guide is of health and life guarnatee companies is about as spoton as possible.

1. Aetna 2. Aig Life guarnatee Company** 3. Allianz Life guarnatee firm of North America 4. American family Life guarnatee Co of Columbus 5. American Fidelity guarnatee firm 6. American normal Life and accident Ins Co** 7. American normal Life guarnatee Co** 8. American earnings 9. American Memorial 10. American National Life 11. Americo Financial Life And Annuity 12. Anthem Blue Cross 13 Aurora National guarnatee 14 Aviva Life and Annuity firm 15. Axa Equitable 16.Bankers Life and Casualty firm 17. Banner 18. beneficial Life 19. C.M. Life Ins 20. Colonial Life & accident 21. Columbus Life 22. Conseco Life 23. Farmers New World 24. First-Penn Pacific 25.Forethought 26. normal American 27. Genworth 28. Gerber 29. Great American 30. Great-West Life & Annuity 31. Guardian 32. Hartford Life and accident Ins firm 33. Hartford 34. Homesteaders 35. Indianapolis Life 36. Ing 37. Jackson National 38. John Hancock 39. John Hancock Life guarnatee firm Usa 40.. Kansas City Life 41.. Lafayette 42.. Freedom Life guarnatee Co of Boston 43.. Freedom National 44.. Life Ins firm of North America 45. Life Ins firm of the Southwest 46. Life Investors Ins Co of America 47. Lincoln benefit 48. Lincoln heritage 49. Lincoln National 50. Massachusetts Mutual 51. Metropolitan 52. Midland National 53. Minnesota Life 54. Monumental Life 55. Mony - America 56. Mony - New York 57. National Guardian 58. National Life 59. New England Life 60. New York Life Ins and Annuity Corporation 61. New York Life 62. North American Co for Life & health Ins. 63. Northwestern Mutual 64. Ohio National Life 65. Om Financial 66. Pacific Life 67. Penn Mutual 68. Phoenix Life Ins 69. Primerica 70. Primary 71. Protective 72. Provident Life and accident 73. Pruco 74. Prudential - America 75. Reassure America 76. Trust approved 77. ReliaStar 78. Riversource 79. Safety Life of Denver y 80. approved 81. Stonebridge 82. Sun Life and health 83. Sunset 84. Surety 85. Symetra 86. Transamerica 87. Transamerica Occidental 88. Trustmark 89. U.S. Financial 90. Union Central 91. Union Safety 92. United Healthcare 93. United Ins firm of America 94. United Investors 95. United of Omaha 96. United States Life 97. Unum 98. West Coast 99. Western and Southern Life 100. Western reserve Life guarnatee Co of Ohio Note: Sagicor Life, Foresters, and Illinois Mutual should appear on the lowest 3 listings, replacing the companies listed above as #6, 2, and 7.

**Aig Life guarnatee Company, American normal Life, American normal Life and Casualty Comments

This group of companies Used to be one the highest premium generating, and highest ranked guarnatee companies in the United States. Still, after two weighty Federal Bailouts, the time to come is uncertain. Therefore, Aig Life is no longer deserving of being on this top 100 list guide.

Guide To Questionable Life guarnatee firm Listings

The following guarnatee companies listings often could be included in different types of some top 100 Life ins firm rankings If you were evaluating premiums written. Sometimes the premiums consist of Primary amounts of annuity premiums. Also counted in would be insurers where a large portion of sales do not come from representatives and sales people. Instead it is written by Safety stock brokerage firms, and independent broker-dealers of changeable venture contracts not governed by guarnatee departments. In other cases, products may be directly strictly toward teachers, the military, or reputation unions. In a join cases, there are companies with pending litigation. A representation of this mix of insurers is listed below:

1. Cuna Mutual 2. Genworth Life and Annuity 3. Harford Life and Annuity y 4. John Hancock changeable Life 5. Mayflower National 6. Metlife - Connecticut 7. Metlife Investors Usa 8. Mml Bay State 9. Nationwide 10. Nationwide Life & Annuity 11. Nylife of Az 12. Phl changeable 13. Sun Life guarnatee Co of Canada 14. Teachers Ins and Annuity Assoc of America 15. Usaa 16. Shenandoah -- financial difficulties

There is a grand total of over 600 Licensed Life/Health companies "active" in every state of the United States. However, some are not currently writing new business. In addition, there are many active in only one or a few states, so you will find them missing from the top guarnatee firm listings. Most states have a true actual listing count of 220 to 330 life and health home offices currently accepting new cases from licensed agents & brokers.

Advisor's predition. If I pick from the supplier listings above, Foresters would be my top pick as the next rising star. Its innovative niche products are starting to generate a high demand. Also watch Genworth, its stock value has zoomed and the firm is very adaptive to store opportunities.

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Faith and the Subconscious Mind (Part Ii)

Napoleon Hill Books - Faith and the Subconscious Mind (Part Ii)

Hi friends. Now, I discovered Napoleon Hill Books - Faith and the Subconscious Mind (Part Ii). Which is very helpful if you ask me and also you. Faith and the Subconscious Mind (Part Ii)

In the first installment of this write-up, I gave two definitions of faith and briefly touched on the correlation between faith and the subconscious mind. In this second part, I will go in-dept and discuss the concepts of faith and the subconscious mind so you can understand better how to have faith/use the power of your subconscious mind to get just about anyone you want in life

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Napoleon Hill Books

It has been scientifically proven that anyone you are constantly in perceive with, whether by hearing about that thing, finding it or in fact via any of your senses, you ultimately come to believe that thing, even if that thing is a lie. Your mind takes in these external stimuli which are received via your five senses, and they are then picked up by the subconscious mind which then, together with the brain, translates it into its corporeal reality and meaning. This is how your desires come to you when you know how to have faith or use the power of your subconscious mind.

The sum total of the idea is that for you to attract the things you want in your life, you have to constantly think about, speak and hear about, see and finally take the required corporeal action to bring about the realization of that desire in question. This is the sum total of how the law of attraction works.

From all that has been said above, it would appear that it should be relatively easy for anyone to have faith and be able to get all they want in life because all you need to do is to say, hear, think about the things you want to get in your life and then take corporeal action. In truth, it should be that easy. The fact is it is not, or at least it is not for a 'first timer' or person relatively new to the principle, and maybe even for the majority of people. What most habitancy think they have is hope and not faith.

The presuppose it is not easy is because there is still one very leading element missing, and that word is repetition. It is not enough to hear or speak etc. About what you want to get once or a few times, it must be a continuous thing. Only when the stimuli has been sufficiently passed and energized onto the subconscious mind, then and only then will the corporeal manifestation of your desire come to pass.

This only goes to show you the point of Repetition in anyone you do in life. This is what athletes, musicians and all such habitancy do to come to be such masters in their field. They achieve the act over and over and over again until it has come to be a part of them. This also must be the same in the case of faith and using your subconscious mind and this is what the bible means when it says "hearing the word of God." The leading thing is the hearing, which implies it is a continuous thing.

Similarly, this is what Napoleon Hill refers to when he says to "repeatedly affirm your desires."I will give a few quotes by Napoleon Hill that will help you understand better the point of repetition with regards having faith and using your subconscious mind. "Faith is a state of mind which may be induced through auto-suggestion." The most leading word in that statement is "auto-suggestion," which suggests or implies that there must be some sort of 'automatic' continuous process. The idea of automation suggests that it should be something you are able to do easily, so that you can do continuously without interruption for maximum effect.

Also consider the statement "Auto-suggestion is a term which applies to all suggestions and self administered stimuli which reach the mind through the five sense." This definition of auto-suggestion underscores my earlier point that when you constantly send the message that you want that car or house, or money, etc. To your subconscious mind via your five senses, your subconscious mind or the God within ultimately gets this message and gives you what you want. Lastly, "Repetition of affirmation of orders to the subconscious mind is the only known formula of voluntary development of the emotion of faith." Again the word repetition is related to faith in that statement.

In conclusion, now that you know that repetition is the most leading factor when it comes to developing your faith or subconscious mind, for remember, they are one and the same. Your job now is to find out a very easy and effective way by which you can continuously send the object of your desire to your subconscious mind, so that it will in time bring about the realization of your wish. Good luck.

I hope you have new knowledge about Napoleon Hill Books. Where you'll be able to put to easy use in your evryday life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Napoleon Hill Books.


Napoleon Hill Law - THE LAWS OF VIBRATION VOL 1-2

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Napoleon Hill Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the true about Napoleon Hill Law. You look at this article for information on what you want to know is Napoleon Hill Law.


THE LAWS OF VIBRATION VOL 1-2 Tube. Duration : 9.02 Mins.

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Law Of Success Definite Chief Aim 5 Analyze Yourself

Napoleon Hill Law - Law Of Success Definite Chief Aim 5 Analyze Yourself

The content is best quality and helpful content, This is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Before the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Law Of Success Definite Chief Aim 5 Analyze Yourself.

Do you know about - Law Of Success Definite Chief Aim 5 Analyze Yourself

Napoleon Hill Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the true about Napoleon Hill Law. You look at this article for facts about an individual want to know is Napoleon Hill Law.

How is Law Of Success Definite Chief Aim 5 Analyze Yourself

Law Of Success Definite Chief Aim 5 Analyze Yourself Video Clips. Duration : 3.60 Mins.

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Feng Shui 2012

Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf - Feng Shui 2012

Hi friends. Now, I learned all about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf - Feng Shui 2012. Which may be very helpful in my experience therefore you. Feng Shui 2012

2012 is the Year of the Dragon. Agreeing to Feng Shui 2012 is going to be a year  that might transform and turn your life. Looks like it will be great than 2011, but there will be things you will have to be aware of to make it a safe, happy and successful year.

What I said. It shouldn't be the conclusion that the actual about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf. You read this article for info on anyone want to know is Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf.

Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf

It's not going to be a very profitable year in general, but if you are rigorous and conservative with your investments and in the way you carry on your money, 2012 might prove to be a very good year in the long run.

There is so much talk about 2012 marking the end of the world Agreeing to the Maya people, but 2012 will be a year to start anew, to be reborn into a more spiritual  way of life, to transform yourself. All in all, 2012 can turn out to be extremely positive, or extremely negative, it all depends in how you escort yourself and carry on your chi vigor this Year of the Dragon.

This year brings an vigor of hostility and aggression. Most Chinese Zodiac animals will have to be aware of their own behavior to avoid confrontations, particularly at work and with higher ups. Coworkers will need to be handled with care in order to avoid tension in the work place. Keep in mind that with the prudent atmosphere of the world, stress is at the top point in roughly everyone. If you consequent the rules of feng shui 2012 is a year to institution meditation, relaxation, and visualization to keep your mind from racing and centering yourself to react appropriately to any given situation. Having a laughing Buddah in your place of work will unmistakably help diffuse the tension nearby you.

Relationships are someone else area in which you have to be very careful. If you already have a relationship, you will need to compromise and forget about being stubborn if you want to keep it harmonious. If you don't yet have a mate, for some Zodiac Animals, 2012 can be a very good or a very bad year. In any case, every person will benefit from improving their group lives in a healthy non confrontational way.  It's a good time to check your enhancements in the love areas of your home.

The Year of the Dragon is also a very good year to enhance the Helpful population area of your home (check the Bagua map) and maybe place a Kwan Kung statue or figurine there to protect you and attract grand people.  The Star of grand Mentors will bring you good luck and influential population into your life. You will have the occasion to be recognized in your career.

The most foremost thing, is that 2012 is a year in which you will need to work on your inner vigor and self confidence, and that will naturally bring luck in every area of your life.

I hope you have new knowledge about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf. Where you can put to use within your evryday life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success Pdf.

How to Attract Good Luck Using Gifts From the Earth

Napoleon Hill Law Of Success - How to Attract Good Luck Using Gifts From the Earth

Hello everybody. Yesterday, I learned all about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success - How to Attract Good Luck Using Gifts From the Earth. Which could be very helpful in my opinion so you. How to Attract Good Luck Using Gifts From the Earth

Nature has given us the biggest gift ever, that is the power to bring good luck into our lives by using the own nature as a conductor. Gems, stones, plants, essences, you named it! population like me call it Earth gifts from God. Raw materials or original materials (wood, metal, stones, etc) were given to us as an opportunity to relieve pains, suffering and to administrate energy, we sometimes don't use that in our favor and live our whole life without even giving it a try.

What I said. It isn't the actual final outcome that the real about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success. You check out this article for facts about anyone need to know is Napoleon Hill Law Of Success.

Napoleon Hill Law Of Success

Even the power of becoming relaxed by the uses of uncomplicated exercises poses, meditation and so on can lead you to reach Good Luck into your life. Examples of this are Yoga, Pilates and Callanetics, these exercising methods creates balance and determined energies generating a determined environment and mental that attracts good luck. uncomplicated habits like Feng Shui your house will bring you good fortune. Balancing Chakras with stones and crystals can help to reestablish a healing.

A Talisman or amulet can be any object with a medical property that is intended to bring fortune into your life, it is not necessary to buy an amulet, you can use any stone, gem, metal or any other object with a property that works right for you as an amulet, some population just prefer to buy a "ready to wear" talisman, as a ring or a pendant, with their beloved stone or gem, you pay for the convenience of having it ready to wear or ready to carry everywhere, that without mention the attractiveness of some of this garments. Someone else thing to think when buying these "garments" are the carvings, some are exquisite handcrafted and carved with animal representations, some animals are believed to bring good luck like the pigs, horses, fish, elephants, and so on... So you are not only adding the stone element into the garment but the animal factor and the value of the craft.

Some of the best Earth's gifts that can help you to attract Good Luck, determined energies and Fortune are:

Lucky bamboo- Chinese culture believes that a gift of living bamboo brings Good Fortune.
Henna tattoos- The most beloved original use is tied closely with weddings and bridal preparation; these designs tend to be the most ornate, exterior the most inherent area of the body. Other uses contain the celebration of circumcision, pregnancy, birth, el Eid (the end of Ramadan), for good luck and protection from the evil eye.
Clovers- If it has four leaves it symbolizes good luck, seeing a real four leaf clover is an omen of fortune.

Gems (each gem correspond to a zodiac sign for private good luck) and Stones:
January - Garnet
February - Amethyst
March - Aquamarine
April - Diamond
May - Emerald
June - Pearl
July - Ruby
August - Peridot
September - Sapphire
October - Opal
November - Topaz
December - Turquoise

Citrine gemstone is called the money stone, success stone and merchant stone.
Aventurine- Lucky amulet, good for gamblers, carry it in your left pocket for a opportunity to attract money.
Agate- Good for protection and health.
Tiger eye- Safety, protection against danger. Clears negative energies from the body.
Burma Jade- population wear jadeite to bring good condition and luck, the price doesn't decide the luck but the beauty, only the color is better. Jade is a source of good power and wearing it can help protect from danger and bad luck, good stone for children. Attract Love. Stone of wealth, use it as a prosperity charm.
Quartz crystal- Keeps negative energies away it is called the "Universal Crystal" because it brings widespread happiness. Used in aggregate with Someone else stone it enhances it properties. Rose quartz is mighty to attract love, bring peace to relationship.
Carnelian: Happiness and Success
Hematite-Protection in any matter
Amethyst- travel protection
Moonstone- Great when planning to travel by sea.
Malachite- protection when traveling by air.

The color burgundy is said to symbolize wealth, success, and prosperity. Gold reflects spiritual rewards, richness, and refinement. Just as the color yellow, gold is linked with the sun and lucky for just about everyone. In Ireland, green is determined the luckiest of colors. It is also a lucky color for those born under the signs of Aquarius and Capricorn. Green signifies a determined change, good health, growth, healing, hope, vigor, vitality, peace, and serenity. Purple is a good color for whatever who wants to get lucky - especially population born under the sign of Pisces or Sagittarius. population born under the sign of Libra of Taurus may find red an unlucky color, but Aries or Scorpio should wear red for good luck. In China and other parts of the East, red has the power to bring good luck and symbolizes Love and Life.

Rose and Jasmine are linked to love on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Ginger increases bio-electric energy. It is used for prosperity, wealth and abundance. Cedar brings spiritual balance. Patchouli is linked with all the plentifulness and prosperity that the earth has to offer us. Cinnamon is a rich scent that oozes with money power and increases your creativity. For centuries incense has been said to bring good luck and enhance conditions for those who burn it.

Elephants are supposed to be good luck, they should have their trunks up and should be settled in a wealth area of your home.
Turtles- thought to bring good health, longevity, and protection.
Pigs- In Germany if you had a pig to feed your family, you were determined fortunate. The Chinese pig model is "Fu" which is good luck. It means it can bring good luck and wealth in.
Fish- The fish symbolizes "more" as in the sense of more good luck, fortune, long life, children, etc. Fish charms symbolize perseverance in overcoming the barriers a someone must pass straight through in life.
Chinese Dragon Tortoises have the head of dragon and the body of turtle. It is sitting on a bed of coins which record good luck and wealth. It is believed as a symbol of longevity, harmony and money.

Cultural deities
In aged Egypt the eye of Horus was a very common amulet linked with regeneration, health, and prosperity.
Hand of fatima- This palm-shaped amulet is beloved in the Middle East and is called a hamsa. It is believed to protect the wearer from the evil eye and is often referred to as the Hand of fatima. This symbol has also woven itself into Jewish culture and is referred to as the Hand of Miriam offering happiness and good fortune.

Some Hindus deities:
Ganesha- lord of success,
Lakshmi- means "Good Luck" to Hindus, goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual,
Saraswati - endows human beings with the powers of speech, wisdom and learning.
Vasudhara - Goddess of Good Luck and Knowledge.
Laughing Buddha is believed to bring joy and wealth to people.

Crystal balls in feng shui may originate harmony and happiness for the family.
Angels- For centuries are believe to be protectors and bringers of good luck.
Coins- Chinese coins are necessary ingredients in the institution of Feng Shui. It is the most potent symbol of wealth, especially when tied with yellow, red and gold thread.
Horseshoe- Iron was believed to be from heaven, to possess strong medical powers and to protect against witches. Since earliest times, man has believed that the crescent or U-shape was a mighty protective sign. Horseshoes are nailed with seven iron nails,the most prominent number for good luck.

I hope you will get new knowledge about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success. Where you possibly can put to used in your life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success.

Spirituality - Definition - The True Inner Meaning

Napoleon Hill Law Of Success In 16 Lessons - Spirituality - Definition - The True Inner Meaning

Good afternoon. Today, I learned about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success In 16 Lessons - Spirituality - Definition - The True Inner Meaning. Which could be very helpful if you ask me and you. Spirituality - Definition - The True Inner Meaning

Spirituality is one word which puts a human being on the highest pedestal of life. It is field of Spirituality traveling on which one reaches the last leg of cosmic life nay the form of human being himself!

What I said. It just isn't the actual final outcome that the true about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success In 16 Lessons. You look at this article for facts about an individual need to know is Napoleon Hill Law Of Success In 16 Lessons.

Napoleon Hill Law Of Success In 16 Lessons

The goal of Spirituality is attaining salvation (moksha in Hinduism)! From the beginning of the first manifestation as an amoeba to the last manifestation (the 8.4 millionth manifestation)... The goal of every life remains the same.

The phase of life as a human being announces that the life has come full circle. It is only as a human being that one can get enlightened (reach the stage of Nirvikalpa samadhi) and attain salvation (moksha in Hinduism). Reaching the stage of enlightenment is the last step in the field of Spirituality.

Spirituality is living life as it was meant to be... Not as we may have desired or wanted living it. Living a life of option is not the forte of all human beings. Those on the path of pure Spirituality... The true seekers of Spirituality are sometimes able to manifest destiny by establishing absolute control over it.

It is a unavoidable fact that only the true seekers of Spirituality become the masters of their destiny. Knowingly or unknowingly many people who have a materialistic goal in life travel the path of Spirituality and become prosperous in life. It was not a happening by chance... All was the supervene of a law which cannot err. These very acclaimed individuals unknowingly tread the path of pure Spirituality and achieved the goal of their life.

Spirituality in other terms means that before we ask God the Almighty for material riches to be bestowed upon us... We need to compensate by giving something equivalent or more back to the community. This is the path undertaken by most prosperous entrepreneurs.

In terms of Spirituality we are not supposed to get anything unless we promise to do something in return... In the law of God there is fair play all throughout. As we desire... So shall be the corresponding karma we would be required to perform. Mere false promises bring us nothing.

It was the forte of Jrd Tata that he all the time loved his country and the countryman. The advantage of the community was foremost in his mind all the time. The prime think why the Tata Empire is known as the foundation maker of India! Tata name itself is representative of construction a technological Empire for the advantage of entire nation. This is what Spirituality is all about.

Jrd Tata was a trustee par excellence. According to him all things belonged to God and he was merely a trustee carrying out the dictates of God. In his lifetime he never built a house for himself. His love for the material riches of life did not seem to exist at all. His every effort was aimed at enhancing the potential of life of human life and the country as a whole.

What a noble persona Jrd Tata was... A true karma yogi indeed! He did not live Spirituality rather Spirituality lived in him. He was a perfect example of how a true spiritual seeker must live his life. Jrd may have never admitted that he lived a spiritual life but unknowingly he practiced Spirituality every occasion of his life.

Jrd Tata followed the dictates of Bhagwad Gita throughout his life unknowingly. Apart from being a true karma yogi... He also excelled in teaching the core values to the society. He was one of the rarest kinds that have ever dwelled on mom earth as material riches and comforts in life never attracted him come anything may.

Jrd Tata excelled in human values to the extent that even most fulfilled, people on the path of pure Spirituality get dwarfed by his accomplishments. Spirituality is not only seeking the domain of God but even in day-to-day matters of life every human being needs to convention Spirituality.

The sublime saying, "whatever we want others to do unto us... We should do unto them" forms the core teachings of Spirituality. It is not merely a saying. It has to be practiced in reality as was preached and advocated by Napoleon hill in his sublime books "think and grow rich", "master key to riches" and the sublime "law of success in sixteen lessons".

These three Bible books by Napoleon hill... "Think and grow rich", "master key to riches" and the sublime "law of success in sixteen lessons" form the core of Spirituality. There is no consulation about that. At every stage Napoleon hill has prophesied that before we can expect anything from God we need to give something back to the community. He was also a true practitioner of Spirituality from heart.

Spirituality certainly helps one take control of destiny. As we proceed on the path of pure Spirituality we tend to create a unavoidable advent towards life. Reeling all the time under a unavoidable attitude of mind... One is able to fine-tune those considerable aspects of life which are an absolute must if one needs to become the scholar of his own destiny.

Spirituality makes a perfect man out of a negative thinker. In the field of Spirituality there is no place for any negative thinking. One who has fixed a goal in life and all the time indulges in unavoidable oriented mental can not be a loser in life. It can never happen!

Spirituality imbibes the following virtues in a human being:

Spirituality makes you feel all the time that there is something higher than the mere existence as a human being.

Spirituality spells out that God exists within every living being as our soul (the atman within). It is God within us which guides us on the right path whenever we tend to go wrong.

Spirituality inculcates in every human being a feeling of unavoidable ness all throughout. Floating on the unavoidable mental plane brings one closer to our goal of life.

It is Spirituality and spirituality alone which prompts and guides one in the right direction whenever we feel cheated by the senses prevailing upon us. To be able to come out of the clutches of the five senses is what Spirituality is all about.

If we desire to know God truly then we need to supervene the path of pure Spirituality. It is only as a true spiritual seeker shall we comprehend God one-day.

It is a Spirituality which cuts short the path and makes the whole world look like a family. In the spiritual domain there is no space for different religions, dogmas or creeds. Our wanton desires cease to exist... The occasion Spirituality takes complete control over us!

Spirituality truly is the essence of life. However materialistic we maybe on the earthly plane... There shall come a day when Spirituality would completely wipe us clean of all the impurities within us.

Without Spirituality the life or a human being is like a rudderless boat going round and round in the unfathomable sea of life.

It is Spirituality which teaches every human being the real value of life... Being spiritual is not being religious alone... Spirituality teaches us the core values of life... The real essence of us!

It is only straight through the medium of Spirituality that God is able to guide the mankind towards its destined goal. As many human beings... As many different spiritual paths!

Right from day one when we are born and until the last breath... It is Spirituality which keeps our heart pumping all through. It is Spirituality which clears all doubts that our soul (the atman within the body) is the real scholar and our body is but to decay and die.

Spirituality clears all doubts linked to the opinion of God. Whenever in doubt... The wise supervene the dictates of the spiritual masters of the era! Every spiritual being merges his identity with the supreme Being (the Almighty God).

Spirituality confirms that life has to go on... It is a journey to be completed in many phases (8.4 million manifestations in fact). It is Spirituality which confirms that the life of a human being of 70 to 80 years is but a trickle in the total life a span of our soul (the atman within). The total life span of the soul being a maximum of 96.4 million earthly years!

Spirituality has no association whatsoever with religion. Following a religion means following the dictates of a prosperous spiritual master... One who has already covered the journey and has become capable of guiding the mankind to its logical end.

Religion is meant for living a singular span of earthly life. On the contrary Spirituality guides every living being to its logical end in the unending cosmic journey undertaken by the soul (our atman within).

It is Spirituality alone which removes the fear of death from those who have released the pinnacle of spiritual life. Spirituality gives you a commanding position in life. One can work for above 23 hours per day having gained absolute control over sleep. This is not only possible but can be observed by watching the topmost rung of spiritual masters.

The proximity of Spirituality in our lives cannot be done away with for it forms the inner core of our manifested corporal life. Behind every success lies the core of Spirituality which guides one inherently all throughout the cosmic journey.

In practice... When I started in quest of God at an early age of 13 years... I was so confused about life that I opinion it was only the religious masters who shall guide me on the right path. I was so wrong.

It was at the age of 37 that I came in touch with God one-to-one basis. It was the pinnacle of my spiritual pursuit. My life had come full circle. This was to be my last manifestation. I had reached the end of cosmic life. The dissimilarity in the middle of Spirituality and religion were now actually clear to me.

Having been able to traverse the path as a true seeker of Spirituality and reach the end goal has been a actually pleasant experience. all things I try to convey to the community is based on true personal touch of life. Being my last sojourn on mom Earth I have but to narrate the pearls of Spirituality I have learned before I leave the mortal frame.

Spirituality is not to be practiced merely in theory. Spirituality is not contained in the sacred textbooks alone. We simultaneously need to convention pure Spirituality and try reaching the end of the cosmic life. Achieving salvation in the present life would be something every human being would desire.

Why not all of us convention pure Spirituality all the time!

I hope you get new knowledge about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success In 16 Lessons. Where you can offer use in your life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success In 16 Lessons.