Napoleon Hill Law Of Success - How to Transmute Sexual power to achieve Success and Manifest Desires
Good evening. Now, I learned all about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success - How to Transmute Sexual power to achieve Success and Manifest Desires. Which may be very helpful for me and you. How to Transmute Sexual power to achieve Success and Manifest DesiresNapoleon Hill and others have said that one of the secrets to success is to transmute your sexual power into creative firm energy. Mr. Hill says that this is why men regularly come to be prosperous only after they pass the age of 40 when they loose interest in chasing after women and therefore transmute their sexual power in to firm rather than wasting it. Other writers have given guidance on transmuting sexual power into creative energy, but few ever elucidate the process.
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Some people have naturally transmuted their sexual power in to success. Think of the nerds you knew in high school who went on to be very prosperous in business. The assumption is that due to poor communal skills they were unable to achieve sexual success so they turned their concentration to technical subjects and created wonderful technical inventions. Bill Gates is often used as an example; however, I don't undoubtedly know what he was like in high school.
The old philosophies of eastern religion had very explicit instructions and practices designed to transmute sexual energy. The "aah" meditation that is commonly practiced is undoubtedly based on the transmutation of sexual energy.
Guru Baba explains that the mechanism of the "aah" meditation is bright the creative power from the sexual chakra to the upper chakras using the creative sound of "aah." He speaks of using the sound to move the power up through each of the chakras leading eventually to the forehead chakra. There, the power will originate whatever you are visualizing in your third eye.
The most thorough study I have found of transmuting sexual power is in the Tao of Sexology by Steven Chang. The old Taoist understood the basic workings of the human body and its animal instincts. Rather than trying to suppress or fight against the animal instincts as many contemporary religions teach, the Taoist embraced the animal nature and used it to advantage the body and life in general.
In the Taoist teachings, the sexual nature of humans is not condemned in any way. Sexual power can be used for medical the body, enhancing productivity, enhancing relationships and also in creative manifestation. Of all the religions and philosophies I have studied, the Taoist seemed to be the only ones who truly understood the power of transmuting sexual energy.
In our contemporary society, sexual stimulation is in any place we look. This over stimulation is often condemned by religious and humanitarian groups. This form of sexual stimulation often results in the wasting of sexual power or in the channeling of sexual power into destructive paths.
Advertisers, politicians, drug fellowships and crime bosses all know the power of sexual stimulation in motivating people. Whole industries are based on ways to boost sexual prowess or to satisfy these urges. Any way all these methods only dissipate the sexual power in unproductive or wasteful ways or they lead to more destructive uses of the grand sexual energy.
Many so called men's magazines use sexual images of women to promote the idea that highly sexual and bright women are somehow unapproachable and unattainable. They can only be found as fantasy in the pages of their books. This form of sexual stimulation leads to separation and loneliness rather than love and oneness.
Sexual power is the most grand force on the earth. It can be used to bring people together in love or it can be used to originate separation and division. It depends on the way that power is focused or transmuted as Mr. Hill calls it.
The Whole material existence is based on plan power combined with strong emotion. Sexual power is the extreme mixture of the two. Many people only see the capability of sexual power to procreate and reproduce a species. However, that same power that can originate a new being can also be used to originate whatever which you desire.
In fact, sexual power is already being used to originate the life you live. However, for most people it is used ineffectively and the power is weak because it is being dissipated or wasted in useless sexual activity. Or that power may consciously be repressed through guilt or other beliefs that using sexual power is bad or wrong.
To understand the power of sexual energy, take a few moments to imagine about a sexual situation. Within just a few seconds of getting a clear fantasy in you mind, you will feel your body starting to react. Depending on how you feel about the fantasy, you may contact hot or cold in the extremities. Your pulse will quicken and if you continue the fantasy, you will come to be sexually aroused. If you prolonged the fantasy even added you could likely even bring yourself to orgasm through just the power of your mind.
Now perceive that it is inherent to use this same power to manifest other things that you desire in life instead of just orgasms. As if orgasms were not enough.
So how do you focus and use your sexual power to manifest the things you desire instead of wasting it? The first step is to train the body how to deal with your sexual energy. The Taoist deer practice is designed for this purpose.
The deer practice trains the muscles in the body how to operate the flow of sexual hormones and other body fluids related with sexual energy. In males, sexual power is regularly thoroughly wasted through the process of ejaculation. This release of power is why men feel so drained and sleepy after having sex. The deer practice teaches men how to operate ejaculation and how to separate the delight of orgasm from the ejaculation and loss of vital fluids and sexual energy.
Through the process of injaculation, men can vocalize their sexual power and also achieve manifold orgasms. Sexual power is not lost during this type of sexual action and the delight of orgasm is not distracted by the flow of seminal fluid. Many health benefits are gained as well though the conservation of the seminal fluid which contains vital energy.
To learn the deer exercise, see Steven Chang's Tao of Sexology or my other articles. This description will focus on how to transmute the sexual power once you have learned to conserve it.
To use your transmuted sexual power succeed these basic steps:
Begin by construction up you sexual energy. The deer practice can be used for this purpose or you can use any other form of sexual stimulation that brings you joy. You may want to custom this alone at first as having a partner can be distracting. However, once you have mastered the process of sexual transmutation, having a partner in your manifestation process will multiply your power.
Once you have built up your sexual power and have achieved a state of ecstasy and joy, begin to move the power up your body to the higher chakras. Covenant your pelvic floor muscles to pump the hormones up into the endocrine system. Make the sound of "aah" deep form you diaphragm to aid in bright the energy.
You will likely contact a tingling sensation in your spine as the power moves up. Move the power first in to the creative chakra. Visualize bright yellow colors as you feel your creativity expand. If you have any kind of problem in your life, now is the time to think of creative solutions. Don't loose your sexual stimulation by focusing too much on the problem. Allow only the explication to drift into your mind then let it go. Continue with the "aah" sound to help move the energy.
Move the power up to the heart chakra. Feel the power of love and sexual power combine. Feel loving appreciation for your sexual power and energy. contact expanding joy and ecstasy as the sexual power is transmuted into love.
Now continue to move the sexual power into the throat chakra. Feel the vibration of the "aah" sound as it resonates in you throat. Feel the power to express your desires. Feel the tingle in your back. If you sexual power is starting to fade, go back to your sexual stimulation. Build up as much power as you can without releasing it through ejaculation.
Now bring the sexual power up to the level of the third eye. Feel the power of your love and sexual power in your forehead. Feel the tingle in your back.
Now photograph the thing that you wish to manifest. photograph it clearly and feel the emotion that you wish to feel. Keep your visualization straightforward and short so that you are not distracted from you source of sexual stimulation. Now, direct all the power of your orgasm into the visualization. imagine that your desires are already in place and you feel the orgasmic feeling of delight in their manifestation.
Clench your pelvic muscles to send bursts of power up through your body. Allow sounds of delight to flee your mouth.
Continue to send bursts of power into your desires as long you feel happy doing so. Do not push yourself to exhaustion. Just enjoy the flow of energy. vocalize the state of ecstasy for as long as possible. Take some time before you return to your normal routine. Let the power germinate and grow into your desired manifestation.
This process of sexual transmutation has been used for thousands of years to originate events that seem miraculous to the outside observer. Due to our contemporary sexual practices and beliefs it may take some time to get proficient at this formula of sexual transmutation. However, you will likely find it a pleasant enough practice to do every day or manifold times each day. through consistent custom you will get great and great at the process. You will then be amazed at the results.
I hope you will get new knowledge about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success. Where you possibly can offer use in your life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Napoleon Hill Law Of Success.
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